
This is a list of libre extensions, themes and translations for the browser. It is a work in progress, we need volunteers to add content to the list. If you want to help, please ask in the forums/mailing lists.
Name Description Screenshots Tags
Password Exporter This extension allows you to export your saved passwords and disabled login hosts using XML or CSV files that can be imported later. password
Password Generator Password Generator is a browser extension designed to enhance online security by creating strong and random passwords with a single click. Perfect for safeguarding your accounts, this tool eliminates... aleff, password generator
Past Modern A very modern theme. modern, postmodern
Paste to Tab and Go Allows for the pasting of a URL into the location bar and immediate redirection to the site. Tabs
pastebin Allows for easy uploads to the pastebin website. pastebin
Paywall Pass It is possible to bypass the paywalls on certain news sites (wsj, nytimes, etc) by changing your browser referal. The simplest way to do this is to do a search on the name or url of the article and... browser referral, bypass, nytimes, paywall, wsj
PDF Download Allows the user to manipulate PDF files and convert webpages into PDF's PDF
PDF.js PDF.js brings Portable Document Format (PDF) reading capabilities to your browser using web standard technologies. IceCat note: PDF.js is part of the Firefox since version 19. The extension is mostly... Other
Permit Cookies Allows the user to adjust control of all cookies for a website. Cookies
Perseus Protects data sent over HTTP protocol. Botnets, http, Malware, Protection
Persian dictionary Dictionary, persian, spell-check, spell-checker, spell-checking, فارسی
Personal Menu (Personal Firefox Button) Bring back your personal and powerful Firefox Button! app button, app menu, appbutton, appmenu, button, classic, compact, custom, customize, firefox button, firefox menu, Menu, menu bar, menubar, toolbar
Personas Expression Adds a lot of customizable visual styles to Personas themes, letting you design your browser more completely. Click the icon on statusbar to show the Personas Expression sidebar. You can customize... customize, persona, Personas, skin, skins, theme, themes
Personas Plus Free, easy-to-install "skins" for Firefox. Choose from over tens of thousands of artistic designs. Join millions of people from around the world who are asking themselves: "What Will My Browser Wear... persona, skin, theme
Personas Rotator Rotates between different personas. Personas
Phoenity Aura Sleek and simple icons. icons, simple, sleek
Phzilla Routes traffic through a proxy to increase anonymity. anonymity, Proxy
Pinguin A penguin theme. animals, blue, nature, penguins, winter
Pink-bee A pink theme for a better browser, with nice bees, which should appeal to children. animals, bees, children, cute, kids, nature
PinkHope A very pink theme to spread breast cancer awareness. breast cancer, pink
PitchDark Dark-colored minimalistic theme with emphasis on visibility, usability and maximum screen real estate. black, dark, minimalistic, simple
Pixel Perfect Overlay a composition over existing HTML. firebug
Plain Text Links When a user types a plain text link (e.g. allows the user to open the plain text into a new link. links
PlasmaNotify Show Firefox notifications as KDE4 Plasma notifications, so the browser integrates better with KDE4. kde, KDE4, plasma notifications
Polish dictionary Dictionary, polish, polski, spell-check, spell-checker, spell-checking