Upgrading Emacs

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Joined: 12/31/2013


I'm using T6 still and prefer to use aptitude to upgrade my packages. I want to upgrade emacs from emacs 23 to emacs 24. Both it seems are in the repositories.

If I use aptitude install emacs24 this will install emacs 24 related packages/dependecies. However, it will not remove emacs 23.

(1) Is this because they are considered separate packages and not an upgrade of 23 to 24?

If I use aptitude install emacs it will try to install emacs23 related packages/dependencies. This is the emacs metapackage and this implies it depends on emacs23.

(2) Is this correct if emacs24 exists?
(3) What is the best way to perform this upgrade and remove emacs23 related packages/dependencies? Remove emacs completely and install 24?


Joined: 12/16/2009

Yes, you should remove 'emacs23' and install 'emacs24'. The 'emacs' package is there for convenience and you don't really need it.

Having separate packages for emacs23 and emacs24 means you can used one or the other, or even both at the same time. Not most, but some programs are offered like that. This can be useful, if you prefer the older version for some reason, like backwards compatibility or just preferring the older version.

Joined: 12/31/2013

Thanks for your input Mampir.