Screenlets: getting them to run.

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se unió: 10/10/2010

I assume, that since the screenlets manager is in Add/remove that the screenlets, in general or in fine, meet the Libre requirements. If not please post and I will remove this.

The screenlets manager that is in Add/remove will install, but it does not run "as is".

One has to install the normal screenlets and there are a variety of ways to do so, one can try the untar method or the getdeb site, which is linked at the Screenlets site, but getdeb does not have the screenlets on their site.

So, one must download from a "ppa" the instructions for which are provided at the Screenlets site:

However to get the screenlets to run as presented one has to go to terminal and use the following command, or something like it:


However, when one does that one gets an error code that there is:

no module gnomekeyring.

One cannot just apt-get for it and it is not in Add/remove one must go to Synaptic.

So, here is what to do.

a) Using either Add/Remove install Screenlets manager.

It will appear in /start/accessories/Screenlets but when clicked it will not run.

b) In terminal:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:screenlets-stayinalive/screenlets
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install screenlets

To verify that one needs the gnomekeyring one can now do the terminal command to run an app and it will not run.

c) Lastly, go to Synaptic and typein: gnomekeyring.

One gets three items returned:

Click and install the following two items one does not need the .dev.


One can now go to start/accessories and click screenlets and one sees the GUI for the screenlets that are in /usr/share/screenlets/

I am not guaranteeing that they will all run on your machine, just that they are now there and accessible.

Like I said, if there are particular, or general, items that are not allowed please post and I will remove all or parts of the above.
