
TipoEnvíoAutorRespuestasÚltima actualización
Forum TopicAbout issue 27686: "Kernel Is Not Being Appropriately Deblobbed" lanun11Hace 3 años 23 semanas
Forum Topicultra-ultra-minimalist distro - TinyCore andyprough19Hace 3 años 24 semanas
Forum TopicMinimalist Trisquel insomniac@fedor...39Hace 3 años 25 semanas
Forum TopicDoes anyone still use key servers? Avron6Hace 3 años 25 semanas
Forum TopicFree Software and Open Source damidu5Hace 3 años 26 semanas
Forum TopicWhy use Linux-Libre/GLIBC when theupstream Kernel and Clib isn't optimized to only run free Software? commodore2569Hace 3 años 29 semanas
Forum TopicDid Palm devices use freesoftware? Bubo5Hace 3 años 31 semanas
Forum Topicyoutube-dl error: "WARNING: unable to download video info webpage: HTTP Error 404: Not Found" GrevenGull12Hace 3 años 35 semanas
Forum Topicthe end of irc freenode alimiracle6Hace 3 años 36 semanas
Forum TopicCall for discussion: move from x86/64 alimiracle16Hace 3 años 40 semanas
Forum Topicis there anything different than what i get from the FSF card trisquel vs what I get from here? anonymous7Hace 3 años 42 semanas
Forum TopicWhat is the state of Microcoft patent threat in 2021? koszkonutek4Hace 3 años 43 semanas
Forum TopicWhat does the hardware switch labeled "1" and "2" on the PCB of my GPU do? GrevenGull8Hace 3 años 43 semanas
Forum TopicGetting the latest version of user-facing apps into Trisquel strypey22Hace 3 años 44 semanas
Forum TopicAbout getting a free software 4g or 5g chip tonlee11Hace 3 años 48 semanas
Forum TopicCan FOSS Games Use Unity ? PublicLewdness8Hace 3 años 49 semanas
Forum TopicMini -- 32-bit, LXDE going forward anchorH3Hace 3 años 49 semanas
Forum TopicApart from legacy reasons, why would anyone choose Cobol? lutes4Hace 3 años 50 semanas
Forum TopicEDiD block is all zeroes Bubo8Hace 3 años 51 semanas
Forum TopicFree Webex client possible? koszkonutek2Hace 4 años 6 días
Forum TopicWake by external keyboard GNUbahn2Hace 4 años 1 semana
Forum TopicTrisquel 10 aka Nabia Is Available jxself13Hace 4 años 1 semana
Forum Topicupdating the kernel panties2Hace 4 años 3 semanas
Forum TopicAny updates on Trisquel compatibility with Raptor Computing? GrevenGull3Hace 4 años 3 semanas
Forum TopicHWE kernels can load proprietary kernel modules bandicooty989Hace 4 años 4 semanas