17:47:36 #startmeeting development meeting 17:47:36 Meeting started Tue Mar 12 17:47:36 2013 UTC. The chair is quidam. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:47:36 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:47:36 The meeting name has been set to 'development_meeting' 17:47:46 very short one today 17:47:59 ok 17:48:02 #topic Trisquel 6.0 is out 17:48:04 yay! 17:48:09 Woot. 17:48:14 o/ 17:48:20 #topic dist-upgrade issues 17:48:59 ok, so there are some problems with the updater that appeared tonight (again WE NEED PROPER TESTING!) 17:49:19 the main ones are: 17:49:56 * brigantia's updater needs to be updated so it can update to toutatis 17:50:07 :D 17:50:19 that is, the one that comes in the live cd fails, but it should work if the system is up to date 17:50:20 So people should apply all available updates first before upgrading. 17:50:24 yes 17:50:47 OK. 17:50:48 otherwise you just get a (false) signing error 17:51:01 there is nothing we can do about that 17:51:36 but the incidence should be low, as it would be weird that you only update between releses and never with daily updates, even if you are lazy 17:52:27 OK 17:52:30 so, I'll just double check that the updated updater updates 17:52:39 it did in my previous tests 17:53:11 Maybe the release announcement should mention applying all available updates first? 17:53:23 good idea 17:53:27 that's standard procedure 17:53:40 jxself: if the application is necessary, then it should mention it definitely 17:54:25 Is that the only problem? 17:54:34 #action quidam add need to update packages before updating relese in the notes 17:54:46 (I mean, dist-upgrade with an out-of-date updater?) 17:54:53 the other problem is worse, but we have control over it so it can be fixed 17:55:16 it is the reason mdim is in a mess right now: libdb is still breaking some updates 17:55:41 it depends on the arch, if you have multiarch on, and some combinations of versions 17:55:59 and it breaks the update system badly when it happens 17:56:15 So, #topic libdb...? 17:57:06 the upside is that the bug lives in the repo, not in the images, so we can fix it 17:57:52 there is not much to tell about it, other than I'll be hacking on it ASAP 17:59:15 So, next topic? I'm not a dev nor master anything here, just want to know if there are more problems. 17:59:32 you are invited to keep discussing on other topics like spam management, translation projects and other things that we touched in previous meetings, but I don't have more time today :( 17:59:57 I have a trip in 48 hours and a lot of work to do 18:00:07 Oh, to the U.S. 18:00:12 yup 18:00:13 I had forgot it was so soon. 18:00:28 Ok, no problems :-) (I volunteered to translating to pt-br, Muphrid and I are just waiting for the means of translating the website.) Thanks quidam ;-) Good work. 18:00:32 On the plus side, I will see you in about a week. :) 18:00:50 great! :) 18:00:53 (So the dev-meeting is ended?) 18:00:56 yes 18:00:58 Will there be a 6.0.1? 18:01:12 basstard` really wants ath9k_htc 18:01:19 Basstard`: yes, and many other point releses 18:01:27 I need to change the kernel helper so that it it will load the firmware 18:01:36 The firmware probably needs packaging, too 18:01:38 we can start working on it in april 18:02:07 but yes, we can have the feature in the repos sooner than that 18:02:42 mdim: about the libdb problem 18:02:52 did you already reboot/reinstall? 18:02:59 quidam: no, I'm about to 18:03:55 ok, so completely up to you and very ok if you say no, if you give me ssh access I can fix your update and get relevant info about the problem while I do it, so I can fix it overall 18:04:33 quidam: sorry, too much of not-to-be-shared data on my drive 18:05:00 that is ok (you perv) 18:05:02 :D 18:05:04 Haha 18:05:09 lol 18:05:09 heh 18:05:16 I have a command that you can try, though 18:05:23 I'm listening 18:05:51 you can force the libdb update and then carry on with the upgrade 18:06:00 quidam: how do I do that? 18:06:04 that is a quick hack that works just for you 18:06:33 #endmeeting