Strange Flidas upgrades?

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Joined: 07/16/2017

My Synaptic is telling me that there are a load of packages that can be upgraded for Trisquel 8. However, when I 'mark all upgrades' and then 'apply', it tells me that it's going to have to install 154 new packages, including some that seem a bit strange (e.g. upstart, which is listed as a dependency of systemd-sysv).

Does this seem a bit suspicious? It seems like a lot of new package dependencies all of a sudden. Could there be a bug with some of these package dependencies?

Joined: 09/13/2010

Not necessarily. Part of the upgrade involves the transition to systemd as the init system. The systemd-sysv package provides for System V compatibility during the transition. Things expecting a System V-style init will find what they expect, but they're really just links to systemd. So move on forward; there's only a problem if the dependencies can't be resolved and, in your case, it seems that the package manager has already calculated your upgrade path. Onward!