
TipoContenutoAutoreRisposteUltimo aggiornamento
Forum TopicFirst Successful Setup of Trisquel 7 grimlok89 anni 42 settimane fa
Forum TopicLibrePlanet Brisbane meeting andrew39 anni 43 settimane fa
Forum TopicTrisquel 7.0 LTS reviews BugRep69 anni 43 settimane fa
Forum TopicThe FSF is hiring: Outreach & communication coordinator lembas29 anni 43 settimane fa
Forum TopicRMS' comments on Wikipedia muhammed29 anni 44 settimane fa
Forum TopicNice mention of Trisquel 7 on OMG Ubuntu t3g19 anni 44 settimane fa
Forum Topicimp: the tiny home computer - free software friendly? xilixi159 anni 44 settimane fa
Forum TopicPenguin Wireless N USB Adapter Love it! linuxbookpro169 anni 45 settimane fa
Forum TopicTrisquel 7 will be released next week. akfoss479 anni 45 settimane fa
Forum TopicVP8 now mandatory for WebRTC! t3g29 anni 46 settimane fa
Forum Topic.NET Core is open source Mzee179 anni 46 settimane fa
Forum TopicTrisquel on a iMac? Abjectio179 anni 48 settimane fa
Forum TopicTrisquel 7 and new homepage - gratz!! Abjectio329 anni 48 settimane fa
Forum TopicWhich is it: Abrowser or GNU IceCat? SteveGeemaggio199 anni 49 settimane fa
Forum TopicTrisquel Voted Best of Breed smiley89 anni 49 settimane fa
Forum TopicWhen will I have support for my wireless? :( RT3290 pogiako12345179 anni 49 settimane fa
Forum TopicJust f**king release Trisquel 7 already t3g129 anni 50 settimane fa
Forum TopicMy friend just gave me his old laptop (I think he had it in 2010). pogiako1234539 anni 50 settimane fa
Forum TopicHow toget Trisquel 7? TheAngel59 anni 50 settimane fa
Forum TopicGNU/LINUX logo and logotype Skulptron179 anni 51 settimane fa
Forum TopicLooking for an email provider serval3010 anni 4 ore fa
Forum TopicTrisquel 6.0.1 (with recent updates) just hanged on me big time! pogiako123452910 anni 2 settimane fa
Forum Topiclibreboot only for x60 or also other same cpu computers? tonlee610 anni 2 settimane fa
Forum TopicIf you're looking for a Trisquel compatible desktop machine... salparadise1210 anni 3 settimane fa
Forum TopicCity of Turin ditches Windows for Ubuntu t3g510 anni 3 settimane fa