Abrowser and Search Engines
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Hello Everyone,
I have a question for the community. I asked a few weeks ago (don't remember where exactly) why DuckDuckGo Search Engine was using the "lite" version of it and not the "full" version (that is awesome IMHO :D), and someone answered me that it was because of the (possible) non-free javascript code. Than my question is, if this is really the problem, then why is Google Search Engine available :S ?
Thanks in Advance,
Luis Da Costa
I'm taking an educated guess here although I'd imagine the Google Search Engine does not require non-free javascript.
That would be weird to know that the Google Search engine didn't need it but DuckDuckGo did :S... Icecat don't have it, neither IceWeasel, this is why I asked for it. I will install de non-free javascript extension for Firefox-derivated web-browsers and I will see if there is any non-free javascript code detected.
My testes conclusion was that:
DuckDuckGo uses Non-Free Javascript code
Google Search uses more than DuckDuckGo
And even trisquel.info uses some here: https://trisquel.info/files/js/js_46b6d83fb479a8e3ad80fae1cc075034.js
The Trisquel JS does have a free software license:
* jQuery 1.2.6 - New Wave Javascript
* Copyright (c) 2008 John Resig (jquery.com)
* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
* and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
* Date: 2008-05-24 14:22:17 -0400 (Sat, 24 May 2008)
* Rev: 5685
LibreJS only talks about those pieces of code from the .js file :
<![CDATA[//><!-- jQuery.extend(Drupal.settings, { "basePath": "/", "lightbox2": { "rtl": "0", "file_path": "/(\\w\\w/)files", "default_image": "/sites/default/modules/lightbox2/images/brokenimage.jpg", "border_size": 10, "font_color": "000", "box_color": "fff", "top_position": "", "overlay_opacity": "0.8", "overlay_color": "000", "disable_close_click": 1, "resize_sequence": 0, "resize_speed": 200, "fade_in_speed": 200, "slide_down_speed": 300, "use_alt_layout": 0, "disable_resize": 0, "disable_zoom": 0, "force_show_nav": 0, "show_caption": true, "loop_items": 0, "node_link_text": "", "node_link_target": 0, "image_count": "Image !current of !total", "video_count": "", "page_count": "", "lite_press_x_close": "press \x3ca href=\"#\" onclick=\"hideLightbox(); return FALSE;\"\x3e\x3ckbd\x3ex\x3c/kbd\x3e\x3c/a\x3e to close", "download_link_text": "", "enable_login": false, "enable_contact": false, "keys_close": "c x 27", "keys_previous": "p 37", "keys_next": "n 39", "keys_zoom": "z…
/* <![CDATA[ */ (function() { var s = document.createElement('script'); var t = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.type = 'text/javascript'; s.async = true; s.src = '//api.flattr.com/js/0.6/load.js?mode=auto&https=1'; t.parentNode.insertBefore(s, t); })(); /* ]]> */The second one it is because it loads a js from an external Link, and the first one, to be honest, I really don't know what it is. Maybe jQuery ?
On Saturday 20 October 2012 14:55:42 name at domain wrote:
> My testes conclusion was that:
> DuckDuckGo used Non-Free Javascript code
> Google Search used more than DuckDuckGo
> And even trisquel.info use some here:
> https://trisquel.info/files/js/js_46b6d83fb479a8e3ad80fae1cc075034.js
AIUI Trisquel.info uses Drupal which automatically aggregates the free
Javascript that is included in processing. I dunno how often but in
at least some cases the license info is not present in the aggregate.
Andrew M. 'Leny' Lindley
If I'm not wrong, the LibreJS "movement" is not to only block non-free Javascript code, but also to block anything that could possibly not be accessible (in terms of code) by anyone who used it, and this is why they detect external links to library and so on. Take a look at this:
On Saturday 20 October 2012 19:39:37 name at domain wrote:
> If I'm not wrong, the LibreJS "movement" is not to only block non-free
> Javascript code, but also to block anything that could possibly not be
> accessible (in terms of code) by anyone who used it, and this is why they
> detect external links to library and so on. Take a look at this:
> http://www.gnu.org/software/librejs/free-your-javascript.html
> https://www.gnu.org/software/librejs/manual/librejs.html
> and
> http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/javascript-trap.html
Have a look at this thread:
The issue has been addressed for trisquel.info. Expecting a site to
emit non-aggregated, non-optimised JS code when the canonical source
is available from the repos and the aggregate bears a license block is
a bit like complaining that when you install a .deb you have to
request the source separately is it not? We're not talking
deliberately obfuscated proprietary code here.
Andrew M. 'Leny' Lindley
Sorry I didn't knew very well the Trisquel.info situation. The post was created only because of the problem of Google being available on Abrowser but not on IceCat or even IceWeasel and then this came up to discussion so I just asked. Thank you for the link, didn't knew it was already been discussed.
DuckDuckGo doesn't require the Javascript. It just uses it for some extras (the only one I've noticed is that weird selection thing on the searches, but there might be something else, too). If you use LibreJS, it links you to a search that doesn't need Javascript.
Google is the same, it has nonfree Javascript, but doesn't require it. The only difference is it's quieter about it when you use LibreJS.
So to sum this up:
The one has an alternate search that does not require non-free javascript. Google simply doesn't cause a problem when you don't use the non-free javascript.
Well actually Google is not problem free. If we use LibreJS to remove the non-free code then we will have to use the https://encrypted.google.com (icecat redirect us and don't let you go to the www.google.com normal webpage), and you can't see any image on it. On youtube you can't see the videos and so on.
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