"Abrowser feeds backup.opml" just appeared on my Desktop ...

3 respuestas [Último envío]
se unió: 01/03/2015

The referenced file is apparently a backup copy of my "live bookmarks"
from Abrowser ... which I did not request ...

I'm inclined to delete it.

Has it got any constructive uses ?

George Langford

se unió: 09/29/2009

On 30/01/19 21:48 wrote:
> The referenced file is apparently a backup copy of my "live bookmarks"
> from Abrowser ... which I did not request ...
> I'm inclined to delete it.

Same here.

Ignacio Agulló · name at domain

se unió: 02/01/2019

The browser (as some others) looks to no longer supports RSS and Atom feeds and existing feeds have been converted to a normal link to the website.
Since this leads to a data loss, all feeds have been exported to an OPML file on the desktop that can be used to import the feeds in a feed reader application.


se unió: 09/29/2009

On 03/02/19 19:15 wrote:
> The browser (as some others) looks to no longer supports RSS and Atom
> feeds and existing feeds have been converted to a normal link to the
> website.
> Since this leads to a data loss, all feeds have been exported to an
> OPML file on the desktop that can be used to import the feeds in a
> feed reader application.
> Cheers!

Thanks a lot.

Ignacio Agulló · name at domain