Add custom compose key sequence (Not working)

1 respuesta [Último envío]
se unió: 11/11/2014

I want to make some custom key sequences that work with compose key. I've created `~/.Xcompose` containing:

include "%L" # import the default Compose file for your locale
<Multi_key> <r> <r> : "ñ" U00F1

And added `export GTK_IM_MODULE="xim"` at the end of `~/.profile`. But it is not working.

I've set Menu Key as Compose Key. All default sequences are working (e.g. Compose + S + S = ß). I tried after logout and re-logging, restarting many times but my custom sequence is not working.

In addition, I've also tried adding my custom key definition

<Multi_key> <s> <d>   				: "ñ"   U00F1

directly to `/usr/share/X11/locale/en_US.UTF-8/Compose` But it also not working!

Why custom sequence is not working? What am I missing? Please help me to work custom Key sequence so-that I can type it by using Compose Key.

Note: For writing codes like "<Multi_key>" in this forum; you can use "& lt;" and "& gt;" (remove space after `&` to workout) for writing less-than and greater-then sign otherwise it take as code and doesn't display!

se unió: 11/11/2014

I found solution which is working:-

  • first of all it was my mistake that I created `~/.Xcompose` instead of `~/.XCompose`
  • Install uim (Universal Input Method)
  • Add `export GTK_IM_MODULE="uim"` to `~/.profile`
  • Restart the gnome-session

Now custom compose key sequence defined in `~/.XCompose` is working fine.

Note that `export GTK_IM_MODULE="xim"` is not working.