Addin NVM (node version manager) to the Trisquel packages?
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Hello everyone,
I'm a web developper and I work a lot with Node and Javascript, thus I need to install Node on my system in order to write programs.
I've tried to install "nodejs" with `sudo apt install nodejs` and it installed node v12.22.9, the latest LTS version is v20.15.1 !! Huge gap !
Is there a way to install this LTS version ? (I'm not yet used to GNU/Linux way to install things other than running the package manager command :s )
Also there is a convenient program called "NVM" (stands for Node Version Manager) that allows to install several node version and to switch between them if needed. This package is under MIT licence on Github. If I understood correctly, the MIT licence is complient with the libre philosophy. Then, can you please add this package to the Trisquel's packages repository ?
It seems Docker is not a free software so I cannot install the latest version with it
My bad docker is available in the package manager, I'll try to install it
sudo docker run node:20-alpine node -v
problem solved, you learn everyday :)
Thanks for the updates :)
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