Adding packages to repository

17 respuestas [Último envío]
se unió: 06/19/2011


I'm new to linux in general but have used it from time to time. I recently installed Trisquel and really like it. However, I have one issue that bothers me. It seems from the boards and my futile google searches that one cannot install software that isn't deemed "free" by the trisquel community. Lets take firefox for example.

I realize that:

a.) The standard trisquel browser is basically firefox without the add-ons
b.) That I could have simply installed ubuntu instead (don't like the new unity interface and don't want to use an older version)
c.) That firefox uses plug-ins/ add-ons that are proprietary/evil and that rubs RMS the wrong way.

But I would still like to run the standard firefox. This page here


has an article on adding things to the trisquel repository, but I was unsuccessful at adding firefox to the trisquel repository. I was wondering if I typed in the wrong thing into the APT line. Does anybody have examples of how to add something to the APT line besides the one example on that web page? Is it even possible to add software that has proprietary roots into Trisquel (new to this)?

Sorry for my lengthy post and I honestly do not mean to offend anyone by my intended choice of browser. I think this is a great distro and good for someone like myself trying to learn linux. Any help would be appreciated

se unió: 01/18/2011

You should be able to get it directly from firefox's ftp, extract it, and use it. Add a link to it in the menu with preferences->main menu

( use the same url, and go back a few directories if you want a different version or architecture. )

As for installing packages that are not in Trisquel's repositories: I usually use the command line:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install firefox

I have not tried these commands for firefox personally, so I cannot say if it will work or not in this case. But generally speaking the procedure for installing any non Trisquel hosted software can be done that way: Find a ppa that hosts the software package, add it, update, install.

For example, I have successfully installed icecat ( gnu project's version of firefox 4 ) the same way:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnuzilla-team/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install icecat

abrowser is firefox 3.5-3.6 and icecat is firefox 4 with only a difference of name, plugins installed by default, and branding.

ps: The title "Adding packages to repository" is not right in this case. You want to add packages to your system from another repository; not add packages to Trisquel's repository (what one might assume from your wording).


I am a translator!

se unió: 01/11/2011

ryanpablo, your observations are not correct.
a) You can install any add-on that you wish on the unbranded Mozilla browser just like you can on Firefox so you can get the same functionality from both. If you want a browser based on the latest version of Firefox you can install the Icecat browser by typing this in the terminal:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnuzilla-team/ppa
$ sudo aptitude update
$ sudo aptitude install icecat

(I prefer using aptitude but you can replace it by apt-get if you wish).
You can also install language packs for Icecat. Just type this in the terminal

$ apt-cache search icecat

And then install the files you wish, e.g.

$ sudo aptitude install icecat-ro

for Romanian support.

b) If you install Ubuntu you will also install a non-free Linux kernel which supports hardware that is not supported by free drivers. Ubuntu also recommends installing non-free drivers as well if they are available.

c) Firefox doesn't install non-free add-ons but it does recommend them (e.g. Adobe Flash) and it doesn't separate the free and non-free add-ons. Also, the artwork is not released under a free license.

Adrian Malacoda

I am a member!

se unió: 12/26/2010

Icecat is a perfectly acceptable substitute for Firefox. You can install proprietary plugins on Icecat if you want (far be it from us to tell you what you can install), but realize you won't get any assistance in installing anything non-free, and we will not provide any support if you choose to do so.

There is nothing inherent in Trisquel that blocks you from using proprietary software. Freedom cannot be forced upon anyone (that would be an oxymoron). But, again, realize that this community values the ethical principles behind software freedom and believe it is a choice worth making. You are free to choose what you want on your computer, but we as a community are free to uphold our principles.

However, instead of asking for help in installing a certain piece of non-free software, perhaps you could tell us what you hope to achieve with it, so that we may suggest a free alternative.

FYI, we don't use free software just because proprietary software "rubs RMS the wrong way." We respect RMS greatly for starting the free software movement and launching GNU in 1983, which led to GNU/Linux (not just merely "Linux") distros like Trisquel here. But we don't choose anything because he tells us to. We choose free software ourselves because it is the ethically and socially superior choice, and we hope you do too.


I am a translator!

se unió: 04/26/2011

Firefox 5.0 is now available for download:
Will have to wait for Icecat.


I am a member!

I am a translator!

se unió: 02/25/2010

I assume you mean 4.0, right? Also, that link doesn't work.

Adrian Malacoda

I am a member!

se unió: 12/26/2010

No, s/he means 5.0. Firefox 4 has been out for a while.

Although if Firefox 5 was available on that site, it is no longer. There's no binaries or source there.


I am a member!

I am a translator!

se unió: 02/25/2010

Really? Well, I guess that shows how well I keep up with things.


I am a translator!

se unió: 04/26/2011

And 6.0 in August, 7.0 before the end of the year...
Links were removed because the release is the 21st (I think).
See and for more details.


I am a translator!

se unió: 04/26/2011
Adrian Malacoda

I am a member!

se unió: 12/26/2010

Here's the PPA, if anyone's interested (since no one seems to have an issue with posting links to the branded firefox)

Henry Jensen
se unió: 04/09/2011

On Thu, 23 Jun 2011 05:19:18 +0200 (CEST)
name at domain wrote:

> Here's the PPA, if anyone's interested (since no one seems to have an issue
> with posting links to the branded firefox)

Since Firefox has freedom problems - see -
I don't think that posting a PPA link of it to this list is a good idea.

However, there is a alpha version of GNU Icecat 5.0 available at
If someone could build a binary package I think this would make some people happy.

Adrian Malacoda

I am a member!

se unió: 12/26/2010

"Non-FSDG" software isn't non-free software. But yes, Icecat is the preferred alternative to Firefox.

Adrian Malacoda

I am a member!

se unió: 12/26/2010

IceCat 5.0 is available on the GNUzilla PPA:

se unió: 07/06/2011

2011-07-07 17:57, name at domain skrev:
> IceCat 5.0 is available on the GNUzilla PPA:

Thanks alot, installing it atm.

se unió: 05/18/2011

As there is a Firefox 5, that means that there is automatically an Abrowser 5 as well. How do I update Abrowser to it's newest version?


I am a member!

I am a translator!

se unió: 07/27/2010

This is not true. Please see the package ( for more details. abrowser comes from Ubuntu upstream and not from Mozilla. Thus abrowser corresponds to the equivalent Ubuntu version. If you want a mozilla-based browser on version 5 you will need to install the GNU Icecat PPA.

se unió: 06/19/2011

Thank you guys! Finally starting to get better with GNU/Linux and Trisquel!