Aramo ISO RC1 (Mar 12 2023)

4 respuestas [Último envío]

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se unió: 07/15/2009

Hello again people,

Well, from our last release Beta 6, we from which we had a small glitch we needed then to rewrite those and now are fixed. This ISOs set is virtually the same, and as stated before it's RC material, so let me make a copy from Beta 6 changes and finally set it as the first Release Candidate (RC1).

This ISOs set includes several updates and fixes, also a lot of work into the improvement of AMD video cards resolution, while we have found some AMD hardware to be troublesome to boot on livesystems, none the less once installed they will boot and display correctly, this requires more investigation on the boot process.

Main changes

Here some of the main changes since Beta 5 ISO,

  • aramo archive cleaning from old packages - thanks for the reminder Simon
  • fixes and updates to software-properties and distro-info
  • cleaning ubuntu's whoopsie report system from trisquel default desktops
  • fixing trisquel meta packages
  • removed legacy key 8D8AEBF1 - thanks for the reminder Simon
  • abrowser search engine updates, removed mailto handlers and maintenance builds
  • improved linux blobless activation for amd video cards
  • jami reintroduced - thanks Bandali
  • restore netcfg previous behavior - thanks for the reminder Simon

Work in progress

  • add 5.19 linux support.

This release now ships armhf, arm64 and ppc64el preinstalled development images to experiment the support for devices on such architectures.
Along those lines, this release should bring with it a substancial improvement for AMD videocards based on info at:

Find the latest images at:

All the feedback is welcome, current and new issues will be followed/tracked at the Trisquel's GitLab instance, you can sign up to get an account directly at or you can ask for your account at the devel mailing list or the #trisquel-dev IRC channel.

Thank you all for all your previous feedback to all early testers and the community in general.


se unió: 09/13/2010

Thank you to everyone for the hard work on the release candidate #1 of Trisquel 11 codename Aramo! As a free software enthusiast, I appreciate the dedication to providing a fully free operating system and look forward to testing it out.

se unió: 01/10/2012

I installed it on my Talos II, currently in a chroot.
Next will be making a bootable btrfs subvolume.

I also did a test of emacs, it works.
(trisquel)isengaara@anna:~$ emacs --version
GNU Emacs 27.1
Copyright (C) 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
You may redistribute copies of GNU Emacs
under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
For more information about these matters, see the file named COPYING.

The same version of emacs can be found in Debian “bullseye”, which is
the current stable one.

Soon I'll plan to test the ARM variants.


I am a member!

I am a translator!

se unió: 07/15/2009

That's great news!

Aramo will be key to test and document support on ARM/PPC64EL devices such as SBCs or even some state of the art production servers on such architectures.
I'd love to read more details on your experience maybe on a forum post, blog post, wiki page, etc as others will clearly benefit from it.



I am a member!

I am a translator!

se unió: 07/15/2009

Last days to report any issue on the latest ISOs set build (Mar 15 2023).

We're getting close to publish Trisquel 11.0, codename Aramo.

Thank you for all the help on this release.
