Are there any famous celebrities that advocate Free Software?
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I'm just wondering if there are any celebrities that are known to use Free Software? (apart from rms, obviously!) :)
Thesci-fi author, Cory Doctorow comes to mind. He addressed this spring's Libreplanet conference and was a hit!
Ok, that's interesting. I hadn't heard of him, but I might have to check out some of his books :)
Doctorow is a traitor. He no longer uses CC licenses for his novels.
There are so many, please forgive me if I forget some names. Besides,
this list is in alphabetic order, and I also inserted those beyond
famous, because I don't want to keep giving credit only to specific
already known "stars".
- Adonay "adfeno" Felipe Nogueira (it's me, ;D), member of LibrePlanet
- Allison Randal, from FSF;
- Alexandre "lxoliva" Oliva, from FSFLA;
- Anahuac de Paula Gil, Brazilian famous for giving very useful talks
that provoque people on questioning what they know about Tux, Linux,
and open source, where in the end he always mentions and favors
free/libre software philosophy;
- Benjamin Mako Hill, from FSF(?);
- Bradley "bkuhn" Kuhn, from Software Freedom Conservancy;
- Christian Grothoff, talks about GNUnet and GNU Taler and mentions the
free/libre software philosophy in these talks;
- Christopher Allan Webber, developer and writer of some federation
standards that are currently in the making;
- Clayton "cdausacker" Eduardo Dausacker, member of LibrePlanet Brasil;
- Eben Moglen, from Software Freedom Law Center;
- John Sullivan, from FSF;
- Karen Sandler, from Software Freedom Conservancy;
- Katharina Nocun, politician which also gave a talk during Chaos
Communication Congress 32c3 (2015) in favor of free/libre software,
federated social networks and communications and also on distributed
- Larissa Oliva, Brazilian who gives talks on the importance of
free/libre software and education, although I don't know if she gave
talks on the importance of the philosophy. Anyways, seeing younger
people getting interested in this area never stops amazing me;
- Luis Villa, a lawyer and former developer;
- Marianne Corvellec. She gave a talk on LibrePlanet 2017 providing an
alternative view of the ethics (or lack of) in free/libre software
movement and in open source development methodology;
- Mathias Kirschner, from FSFE;
- Matthew Garrett, known for the talk given in LibrePlanet 2013, where
he describes the difference between Secure Boot and Restricted Boot;
- Mike Gerwitz, from FSF;
- Nelson de Luca Pretto, Brazilian who does research and talks
describing the importance of free/libre software philosophy to
education (if and when the education is to be made with computers);
- Shauna Gordon-McKeon, gives speeches on democracy, artificial scarcity
and free/libre software. As far as I remember, she gave talks both in
LibrePlanet 2016 and 2017;
- Sva, talks about GNU Taler and mentions the free/libre software
philosophy in these talks;
- Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo, Brazilian who gives talks about the
importance of copyleft, community-oriented enforcement and free/libre
I have listed some speakers that I remember just now, not users.
Once again, forgive me if I forget one. ;)
name at domain writes:
> I'm just wondering if there are any celebrities that are known to use
> Free Software? (apart from rms, obviously!) :)
- Palestrante e consultor sobre /software/ livre (não confundir com
- "WhatsApp"? Ele não é livre. Por favor, veja formas de se comunicar
instantaneamente comigo no endereço abaixo.
- Contato:
- Arquivos comuns aceitos (apenas sem DRM): Corel Draw, Microsoft
Office, MP3, MP4, WMA, WMV.
- Arquivos comuns aceitos e enviados: CSV, GNU Dia, GNU Emacs Org, GNU
GIMP, Inkscape SVG, JPG, LibreOffice (padrão ODF), OGG, OPUS, PDF
(apenas sem DRM), PNG, TXT, WEBM.
I meant, except for rms and you, Adfeno, of course! XD
Those can hardly be considered celebreties.
I think the starter of the thread thought more about famous politicians, actors or singers...
shame on you for doubting adfeno's level of celebritivenesss.
or is it celebritivity?
All of those are preachers to the choir. What I think the op is after are names of of celebrities who are known more for their work outside the free software connunity, but who are allies. Hence my mentioning a well-known SF author. On a related topic, who has seen product placement of a GNU/Linux distro in pop culture? Once, so far, I heard the name Ubuntu in a massively-popular sit-com.
Yes, that is more what I was getting at. For example, Hollywood or TV stars, or musical artists. It seems to me that Free Software could really use one or two 'ambassadors' that have a high-profile outside the Free Software movement.
Also, it's interesting that you mention product placement. It seems fairly rare that I see GNU/Linux used or mentioned on mainstream media. I guess it's hard to compete with the big advertising bucks from Microsoft/Apple/Google ...
I'm not sure what, if anything, of Ubuntu was shown, but, a lead character mentioned it by name. Afaik, this has happened once in the entire series called The Big Bang Theory. Otherwise, characters are shown using Skype and their IThings. Oh, and I think Ubuntu got a brief mention in a Tom Clancy novel; I think all his books are best-sellers. A character was talking about outfitting laptops for field operatives in a ficticious intelligence agency, and how the operating system's openness and freedom allow the agency to purpos-build their systems. Hmmmm, free software used to spy on folks; not sure I like that much... Now, if only I could remember which book this was... If I hadn't been using ShuttleworthOS at the time, I probably wouldn't have noticed. If only we could get more prominent placement.
GNOME was in a Justin Bieber music video once.
How refreshing. Not really out-spoken advocacy, but it's a start. Maybe someone will see that strange desktop and want to learn more about it?
And finally.. after Hannah Montana GNUlix fresh out of an.s.. Justin Bjebberro Lignux \o/
If Bieber uses it then it must be cool :D
>If Bieber uses it then it must be cool :D
I see no fallacy in your argument, hmm, installing it right now. Gotta to be cool :)
Btw I use and advocate, I'm famous in my town.
Well you beat me on that one, ur moar famous, I am just an amateur, I am wanted in only 2 states. I am persona non grata in 17 states though, I guess that makes up for something. :)
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