Background Images

4 respuestas [Último envío]

Hi I would like to download the background images and give them to my family, where can I find the background images in the source tree?

se unió: 05/20/2022
se unió: 05/28/2022

I looked at that link, but don't understand how one would go about getting those wallpapers to 'appear' then. Mind you I'm using a bootable Trisquel mini 10.0.1 right now, maybe that's why it doesn't work. I quite liked the look of Trisquel 8.

se unió: 05/20/2022

I do not have any Trisquel mini system at hand at the moment but I believe you should be able to achieve your goal by right-clicking on the desktop, selecting "Desktop Preferences" and choosing your favorite wallpaper file, wallpaper mode and background color.

On my system, default background files are to be found in /usr/share/backgrounds.

se unió: 05/28/2022

Wow, that is so cool! Found it where you said, Preferences --> Desktop preferences. In the window that opens clicked on the little 'file folder' symbol to the right of the name of what was currently on, chose 'flidas', and voila, I have it as background. Super easy to enjoy looking at it again. Thanks!