Can't mount internal HDD's while in XFCE. Don't have permission.

4 respuestas [Último envío]
se unió: 05/05/2018

Hi all, I switched to XFCE recently. Its becoming my favorite DE. But besides the point.

One drawback that I have noticed with Trisquel is that I require su permissions to mount internal HDDs. In MATE it will prompt me to enter a password, However XFCE doesn't seem to do this when I installed it from the repos.

Does anyone know how I could configure it so I could mount without sudo permissions?

se unió: 05/05/2018

OK everyone. I solved the issue myself.

Basically XFCE didn't come with a dependency to mount disks without root. All I needed to do was to install a package called "policykit-desktop-privileges"

$ sudo apt install policykit-desktop-privileges

se unió: 09/13/2017

$ sudo pacman -Su --noconfirm --needed xfce4-mount-plugin
$ sudo nano /etc/sudoers.d/hd_scania

If you also have Xfce installed in Parabola you just need to also install the above package, also try to grant yourself a sudo permission w/o a password. :)

Magic Banana

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se unió: 07/24/2010

hydra uses Trisquel. Also, administrative privileges without a password means any vulnerability in a user application can be exploited to own the whole system.

se unió: 09/13/2017

apt search xfce4-mount-plugin
Let him also search for this package in Trisquel. (I actually mean, if hydra also runs Parabola in the same hardware systems) But sudo without a password is never more risky than running a destkop as root even opening a root shell for more than 15 mins at once. Fortunately I never run a desktop as root where the root password is always disabled and locked, but just as a sudoer without a password.