Certain tasks make the screen go black with a blinking underscore, then I have to log in again

7 respuestas [Último envío]
se unió: 10/23/2024

Trisquel on an old ThinkPad. Sometimes it crashes unexpectedly, but I can reliably produce crashes by –

* Opening GIMP
* Opening some PDFs and videos. Others are fine.
* Opening some websites. Most are fine.

Having a lot of tabs open seem to make crashes more likely. Heat seems to make crashes more likely.

Every crash produces a file in `/` called something like `core.1428141`; these are about 150MB of text each.

I think lightdm or xOrg are crashing. It's not kernel panic, I don't need a full reset, just to log in again.

Output of `pstree`: https://pastebin.com/idXfAgN0

se unió: 05/20/2022

You may want to try the solution suggested in this thread:


se unió: 09/08/2014

I made a debian 12 main and firmware=never installation. In order to
avoid non free software on the system. About previous
versions of debian vlc did not crash playing mp4 files. In debian 12 vlc
crashes. I have been told it may be because vlc depends on certain non
free firmware software. And vlc has no fall back mode. Trisquel installs
providing no non free firmware. Have trisquel users experienced crashes
that can be related to non free firmware not being on the

Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

se unió: 07/24/2010

I made a debian 12 main and firmware=never installation. In order to avoid non free software on the system.

I would not be so sure if I were you: https://trisquel.info/forum/installing-debian-without-non-free-firmware#comment-176132

se unió: 05/20/2022

> Have trisquel users experienced crashes
> that can be related to non free firmware not being on the
> computer?

I have never.

The only small glitch I ever got with VLC on Trisquel was related to the compositor, and solved by using a different compositor (or none). And has since been fixed.

se unió: 08/23/2023

I made a debian 12 main and firmware=never installation. In order to
avoid non free software on the system.
I've recently checked also GNUInOS (runit) and it's also installs non~free:intel microcode

se unió: 06/30/2017

I am surprised to here that GNUinOS uses non-free kernel when it advertises Linux-libre. They even link to FSFLA website. Or is the microcode somewhere else that I don't understand.

se unió: 08/23/2023

It still uses linux-libre, but installation doesn't changed automatic installation of non-free microcode package.