Command line installer (Trisquel-mini)

1 respuesta [Último envío]
se unió: 08/13/2014

Hello. I'm trying to install Trisquel in a virtualized environment from the “mini” CD image. Is there a way to use the text mode installer (As from the net installer)?. I find the graphical one unfamiliar and seem to be missing some features that I need (Like LVM settings).

Regards and thanks in advance.

Magic Banana

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se unió: 07/24/2010

You should then install the NetInstall and, once you are done, fire this command:
$ sudo apt-get install trisquel-mini trisquel-mini-recommended

As far as I know, the resulting system exactly is Trisquel Mini.

EDIT: I have just realized you are the one who had troubles with the NetInstall and whom I advised to install Trisquel Mini! Sorry. Doesn't the "custom partitioning" let you choose LVM partitions (that you have previously created from another GNU/Linux system) where to mount the filesystems? It really is a question: I have never used LVM.