Convenient list of non-free blobs?

1 respuesta [Último envío]

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se unió: 07/16/2011

Is there any place I can go that lists (and explains!) each non-free firmware blob used for “modern” intel computers (i7-type) and what it does, etc.

Background on question:
I am trying to find out how compromised "modern" intel pcs really are. I've done some reading on this subject and there are many places with some information but I might miss something and the people on this forum have a lot of knowledge on these subjects. (I suppose Chris from Thinkpenguin would probably be the best to answer this as his business is based on such.)

I know about intel TXT “Trusted Execution Technology”. I believe this is their implementation of treacherous computing, but not all intel chips have this. There is also something called ME “Management Engine” but I’m not sure if this is used in all intel i7 chips. I would expect it probably is. I also believe there is also microcode involving the motherboard which needs to be run by the bootloader in order for things to work. It would be nice to have a list of all blobs used for each motherboard, etc.

May I please lean on the community to steer me in the right direction in finding this information? Thank you

se unió: 05/13/2010

Here's another thing to keep you awake at night, a universal backdoor.