Creating and audio CD.

13 respuestas [Último envío]
se unió: 09/01/2011

My sister needs a recording of her playing to be burned onto a CD for a piano competition. My attempts thus far have failed. Is there a certain file type it needs to be, or can I burn the FLAC recording I made?

Please tell me anything else I should know.

se unió: 12/16/2009

What did you try?

Did you try using Brasero? It should be installed by default. Use Brasero's option to create an "Audio project". Then drag the FLAC files in the white space in middle of the window and burn. Brasero will automatically convert the FLAC files into the appropriate format.

se unió: 09/01/2011

I was using Brasero, but when I tested the CD in a CD player, no audio played, and it stopped after about 14 seconds.

se unió: 12/16/2009

I tried making a Audio CD with Brasero, just to test if it works. The input files were in the FLAC format. I played the CD on a standalone DVD player, and it seems to work.

You can try converting the files to WAV manually. You can do this with ffmpeg, from the termnial, like this:

ffmpeg -i 'Input_Song.flac' 'Output_Song.wav'
se unió: 12/16/2009

I tried making a Audio CD with Brasero, just to test if it works. The input
files were in the FLAC format. I played the CD on a standalone DVD player,
and it seems to work.

You can try converting the files to WAV manually. You can do this with
ffmpeg, from the termnial, like this:
ffmpeg -i 'Input_Song.flac' 'Output_Song.wav'

se unió: 05/13/2010

I've heard in the past that some CD players have problems with rewritable disks. Dunno if that's more or less true nowadays.

Most CD players used to be too dumb to understand any kind of file formats with the exception of .wav files (Uncompressed 16-bit PCM audio).

Best of luck for your sis.

Magic Banana

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I am a translator!

se unió: 07/24/2010

As Mampir said it; Brasero (through GStreamer) converts the audio files to wav before burning the disk.

Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

se unió: 07/24/2010

As Mampir said it; Brasero (through GStreamer) converts the audio files to
wav before burning the disk.


I am a translator!

se unió: 07/27/2010

I always use k3b, never had problems with creating audio cds with it. It automatically converts flac files to wav when burning audio CDs.

se unió: 09/01/2011

My sister needs a recording of her playing to be burned onto a CD for a piano
competition. My attempts thus far have failed. Is there a certain file type
it needs to be, or can I burn the FLAC recording I made?

Please tell me anything else I should know.

se unió: 12/16/2009

What did you try?

Did you try using Brasero? It should be installed by default. Use Brasero's
option to create an "Audio project". Then drag the FLAC files in the white
space in middle of the window and burn.

se unió: 09/01/2011

I was using Brasero, but when I tested the CD in a CD player, no audio
played, and it stopped after about 14 seconds.

se unió: 05/13/2010

I've heard in the past that some CD players have problems with rewritable
disks. Dunno if that's more or less true nowadays.

Most CD players used to be too dumb to understand any kind of file formats
with the exception of .wav files (Uncompressed 16-bit PCM audio).

Best of luck for your sis.


I am a translator!

se unió: 07/27/2010

I always use k3b, never had problems with creating audio cds with it. It
automatically converts flac files to wav when burning audio CDs.