Dangerous food filler

12 respuestas [Último envío]
Alice Wilton
se unió: 03/17/2023

Doctor Eric Berg explains the dangers of maltodextrin, a filler found in many food products.
Video, 23 megabytes:
Maltodextrin causes belly fat, diabetes and gut inflammation.

Alice Wilton
se unió: 03/17/2023

Soda drinks are dangerous.
Video, 22.5 megabytes:

Some people worship soda.
Video, 133.2 megabytes:

More about soda.
Video, 62.4 megabytes:

A series of 6 videos from doctor Berg on sugar:

se unió: 04/23/2015

It's a shame that we have to learn so much to be able to keep ourselves relatively healthy making sure we read all food ingredient labels.

I've been avoiding corn syrup for years but according to that first video maltodextrin, dextrin and glucose syrup are aliases for the same thing. I guess in Europe it's also referred to as isoglucose or glucose-fructose syrup.

I thought sweet potato pie would be a less guilty treat for my sweet tooth but you can't hardly find a pie that doesn't contain corn syrup. It may be in a lot of breads too.

I drink a coca-cola a year or less mostly for nostalgia as I used to love it. Now it's kombucha, carrot juice and things like that.

I made some changes years ago when my place of employment gave us all a book called "Eat Right for Life," by Ann G Kulze, MD. But after a while it's easy to forget things. Thanks for the links. I got out that book and will review.

Alice Wilton
se unió: 03/17/2023

Doctor Berg has a list of healthy and unhealthy food.
Surprisingly, apples are considered unhealthy. Today I had my first avocado. The taste is just... eww. Gross.

bergfood.pdf 76.3 KB
se unió: 12/29/2023

Was the florida type or the mexico/othercountry type?

florida avocados are not very tasty. I eat the mexico avocados without anything added and to me that tastes good.

Apples probably bad if anything because of the sugar content.

Alice Wilton
se unió: 03/17/2023

Honestly, I don't remember much about it: an avocado from Wallmart.
One was enough, I'm not touching avocados even with a ten-foot pole.

Alice Wilton
se unió: 03/17/2023

The source of all diseases.
Video, 32 megabytes:

Lower the blood sugar.
Video, 101.5 megabytes:

Alice Wilton
se unió: 03/17/2023

A 3 and a half hours long video explaining sugar's impact on your health.
Video, 523 megabytes:
Long story short - sugar is poison, it's addictive and the food industry is adding sugar to many products to keep you addicted.
Fructose is toxic to a human body and high amounts of glucose will cause severe autoimmune diseases.

I've borrowed different pieces of information about healthy diet from archive.org and put them all in one place:

se unió: 12/29/2023

I tend to think calling sugar poison is over the top. You need some to survive. IF you mean cane sugar is bad or artificial sugar is bad, I am with you completely there.

If the sugar is organic, like coconut sugar or honey or maple syrup even, its not as bad because its not refined as much and is more minimally processed.

To be clear, sugars that are processed heavily are the worst. Cane sugars, regular brown sugars fit this bill.

I doubt coconut sugar fits this bill or honey or maple sugar.

Although even those last two shouldn't be chomped on endlessly, far from it.

Moderation is good with healthy stuff and as for unhealthy stuff, some of that shouldn't even be put in the body at all.

But we all choose our risks dependant on cash and other factors.

I would only say, to everyone, be careful.

Alice Wilton
se unió: 03/17/2023

This interview with doctor Perlmutter will change your mind (192 megabytes):

se unió: 12/29/2023

artifical ingredients are bad period. I don't like them whatsoever.

I stay clear of GMOs as much as possible.

Alice Wilton
se unió: 03/17/2023

After almost 30 years of research, Dr. Rick J. Johnson had discovered how fructose and uric acid turn on the "survival switch" in living organisms. In modern society the "survival switch" acts as a "fat switch" due to abundance of sugar in our food.
Dr. Rob Lustig wrote in his book "Metabolical" about how and why food industry adds extra sugar to our food.

Alice Wilton
se unió: 03/17/2023

There are "International Tables of Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load Values", more information is locked behind the paywall at
Is there a way to "break in" and access them?

glytables1.pdf 75.76 KB
glytables2.pdf 45.31 KB