Did anyone know a good free webhosting for free software (with PostgreSQL) ?

14 respuestas [Último envío]
se unió: 09/14/2012

Hello Everyone,

I would like to start a website (using a free webhosting for now) where I could put any of my Free Software projects (for Free or for Sell), but I would like to have one that supports PostgresSQL, and the problem is that I only found ones with MySQL.

I am currently using 000webhost.com, and I'm quite happy (even if it is for only just and empty webpage with some experiments from time to time), but it doesn't provide me a PostgreSQL database and I would like to create some comercial (under de GPLv3 Licence) software that would connect to a SQL DB, but for this usage with MySQL I would have to pay for the MySQL Commercial Licence (and since PostgreSQL ist a very good (and free) alternative I would love to use this one).

Does anyone know any good (for starting) webhosting with (?) :

PostgreSQL => 2 DB
HDD Space => 1000Mb

Thanks in Advance,
Luis Da Costa

se unió: 05/15/2011

I rarely use SQL databases anymore and have moved to MongoDB, which is considered NoDAL. Wanna know the best part? It is GPL licensed and plenty of hosting sites.


se unió: 09/14/2012

Hum... I never really had the time (or just the intelligence) to think of using something like NoSQL, but I surely already heard of it (even if I don't really see clearly in what cases we could use it instead of a "traditional" SQL like MySQL), I just know that it is the best for a DB with a very big amount of data saved in the same place.

I already saw that something like this exist a version for Java and C++ which is great. I will take some time to study a little bit more about this :D

Thanks sharing this !

se unió: 05/15/2011

Oops I meant NoSQL. Damn autocorrect.


I am a member!

se unió: 04/23/2011

Maybe I don't understand. Why would you have to pay for a commercial license for MySQL? Is there something in the commercial version from Oracle that you need? If so I'm guessing PostgreSQL has that?

se unió: 09/14/2012

If I understood right, there is 2 versions of MySQL one for "normal" non commercial use, and another one for commercial use. I can be wrong on this one but I'm pretty sure that they have different licenses, being one under the GPL License and the other one under the EULA License, and the last one is (as I said before) only available in the "commercial use" version of MySQL.

In that means I can't use a MySQL license on a commercial software without having to pay for the license.

I found this information here:

*MySQL Licenses*

*More (Precise) information*

They state in the first place the "Free" version for Open/Free Software projects, but don't talk about money (and since my application will be very probably in GPLv3 license I am pretty happy about that), but then they talk about the Commercial License for OEMs, ISVs and VARs, and on the final line they also mentioned open source projects. And since they use a lot of the word "open source" to also talk about "free Software" I have a little hard time to understand what clearly is the point of this.

Because at start I taught that only non-free projects with a license incompatible with GPL needed to use the Commercial License, and because of this any project (I will say this in a very general way) without a GPL license couldn't use MySQL on their projects to sell. But then I realized that they where also talking about open source (free-software ?) applications that will be used commercially and this is where the confusion came from.


I am a member!

se unió: 04/23/2011

The GNU licensed version of MySQL can be used for commercial purposes despite what they are implying. As long as you comply with the GNU GPL and release your changes there is no reason you can't develop and use the software commercially.

Your not actually modifying or redistributing MySQL though are you? If you are just going to use MySQL the GNU GPL does not need to be read or accepted. It only applies to redistributing the software.

Your database is your proprietary database even if you use the GNU GPL version of MySQL in a commercial context.

If you wanted to develop your own version of MySQL that offered additional functionality and also keep it proprietary then you would need to get a commercial license from Oracle. Even in this case though that would only be true if you also distributed it to others. In the instance it was used internally and never distributed to others there would be no “commercial” license required.

se unió: 09/14/2012

So, if I understand right, if I use it on a Proprietary or Free software (just using a MySQL DB and the necessary libraries to connect with it) I don't need the commercial version (which is only needed if I will integrate MySQL the software directly to my software with changes) ?

I'm asking this because I am working in my spare time with an old teacher and some colleges on some projects and one of them require a DB, we will have each of us a version of the code (if we are the ones that developed it) without any license so we could license it with whatever license we want, but there are some "worries" about the fact that they might go to close the source and use a proprietary license in order to sell (and have all rights of the software), and at the same time being able to use a MySQL license.


I am a member!

se unió: 04/23/2011

That sounds right.

Free and non-free software can be shipped together. Your non-free program can even be dependent on GNU GPL'd software. It just can't be derived from it. It is only once your code is a derivative of the MySQL code that there is an issue.

If there are any developers who would like to chime in on this please do.

In more simple terms, if you modify MySQL and those modifications end up being distributed in binary form you have to publicly release the aforementioned modifications.

Your writing a non-free application that is used in conjunction with a GNU GPL'd program. You are not developing a program derived from that code though.

I also want to point out that I'm NOT a lawyer and none of this is legal advise. This is as I understand it.

se unió: 09/14/2012

Thank you :D Having "me" and "non-free software" in the same sentence is just weird xD But thanks for the information (even knowing that you are not a lawyer).


I am a member!

se unió: 04/23/2011

:) It was more just for the point of clarity. I understand you are trying to alleviate other peoples concerns too. We could have replaced non-free with "other licensed". Other licensed software could be a free software licensed program under a different license than the GNU GPL.

We are talking about license compatibility. The clearest example is with free and non-free software.

This issue is pretty common and there are people out there who would mislead. These tend to be non-free software proponents.

se unió: 03/26/2011

One good hosting I know is all2all from Belgium. They use only free software. I am a customer of them. =)

se unió: 09/14/2012

I will have a look at this, thanks :D They don't have free accounts :S I for start I would like to have something free before buying something more complex (like this one).

se unió: 05/15/2011

To the average consumer, do they care if you advertise being totally free software as being an advantage for your hosting service? I've brainstormed ideas to people about that approach and was told that most people won't care and will go with a better known service like Godaddy. A service they see on tv and is a big company that isn't a "fly by night" operation. Maybe that's why there are so little true free software hosting solutions. Because it caters to a select and elite minority.

se unió: 09/14/2012

Or maybe they just choose something like a VPS where they can install their own OS and configure it like they wish (but I can be wrong on that one).