Dockingstation only partially working

1 respuesta [Último envío]

Hi all,

I've recently purchased a dockingstation for my librebooted T400.

I can plug the laptop in easily, however I can only use some connectors of the dockingstation:
+ I do get power from the dockingstation.
+ The audio jack of the dockingstation works.
- All USB ports of the dockingstation DO NOT work (tested with 2 different USB devices which work on other devices). This is an issue as it was the main reason for me getting the docking station.

How would I go about finding out what the problem is? And how can I then make the USB ports usable?


I am a member!

se unió: 08/28/2012

name at domain writes:

> Hi all,
> I've recently purchased a dockingstation for my librebooted T400.
> I can plug the laptop in easily, however I can only use some
> connectors of the dockingstation:
> + I do get power from the dockingstation.
> + The audio jack of the dockingstation works.
> - All USB ports of the dockingstation DO NOT work (tested with 2
> different USB devices which work on other devices). This is an issue
> as it was the main reason for me getting the docking station.
> How would I go about finding out what the problem is? And how can I
> then make the USB ports usable?

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