dual-boot Trisquel and CTKarch

4 respuestas [Último envío]
libre fan
se unió: 08/14/2011


I have this computer running Ubuntu Maverick.

Then, I installed Trisquel on a new HDD that comes out as sda (probably due to the sata port where I plugged the HDD on the motherboard). Ubuntu (on sdb1) has been duly added to Trisquel grub.

Trisquel grub splash screen is very nice.

Now I'd like to install CTKArch on sdb1 as a replacement for Maverick.

CTKArch uses Grub-legacy and I'd like to keep the Trisquel grub screen. So I'll try and stop CTKArch from installing GRUB.

Is there a magic command to update Trisquel grub so that it includes CTKArch or should I modify that 40_custom file in Trisquel (/etc/grub.d)?

Many thanks in advance

Michał Masłowski

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se unió: 05/15/2010

> CTKArch uses Grub-legacy and I'd like to keep the Trisquel grub
> screen. So I'll try and stop CTKArch from installing GRUB.
> Is there a magic command to update Trisquel grub so that it includes
> CTKArch or should I modify that 40_custom file in Trisquel
> (/etc/grub.d)?

"grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg" (probably update-grub or
something similar will do the same).

The name of CTKArch suggests it being based on Arch, so it's very
possible that it uses kernel names which aren't recognized by Grub.
Editing /etc/grub.d/10_linux to find these kernels could be needed.

libre fan
se unió: 08/14/2011

I had a go on a Debian install. So after installing CTKArch next to Debian, and grub (legacy Grub that CTKArch sticks to for its lightness), I restored Debian Grub2 using the rescue mode of the Debian install CD. Debian takes you by the hand in this rescue mode. Quite amazing and way much simpler than using the Ubuntu LiveCD as explained there (in French): http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/tutoriel/comment_restaurer_grub

After logging into Debian, I simply did # update-grub
then rebooted, and right-o CTKArch is there and runs fine.

I made a copy of the new grub.cfg to see what CTKarch needs to boot with Grub2.

BTW, CTKArch is a configuration of Arch on an installable Live-CD. Very light and pleasant. Worth a try.

Magic Banana

I am a member!

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se unió: 07/24/2010

As far as I understand, this GNU/Linux distribution is not "Free software only". You may want to try Parabola instead: http://parabolagnulinux.org

libre fan
se unió: 08/14/2011

Many thanks Magic Banana for this Arch-config. I'll definitely have a go at it.