Emacs error message

4 respuestas [Último envío]
se unió: 04/13/2013

I'm using Emacs in Ctrl+Alt+F1 mode; I'm not sure if my error message is from Emacs or Trisquel. It says

"*ERROR* Power Management discrepancy: GEN6_RP_INTERRUPT_LIMITS expected 160d0000, was 00000000"

It happens when I'm typing in the command area at the bottom of the screen, when I'm trying to find a new file.

se unió: 02/23/2012

Do you mean that you get the error when you type C-x C-f ?

se unió: 04/13/2013

I tried Ctrl+Alt+F1 again today; this time the error message happened after I logged in, and before I opened Emacs.

I should have posted that Ctrl+Alt+F7 is how to come back to GUI Trisquel, in case someone used the F1 key combination and got stuck there.

se unió: 05/13/2010

Looks like it's a kernel error message.

A web search suggested a person having this error fixed it by updating their kernel and xserver.

You can try a newer kernel from e.g. http://jxself.org/linux-libre/

Updating xserver could be accomplished by getting the various xserver-whatever-raring packages. You probably only need the corresponding xserver packages you already have without the -raring part. You certainly don't need the -dev or -dbg packages. (If you end up losing GUI somehow doing this try installing xserver-xorg and the dependencies it suggests...)

se unió: 04/13/2013

Thanks a lot guys! I'll check out Jxself's site.