Evolution Email and Yahoo Mail UK settings?
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I have recently switched to Evolution - with my switch from Mint to Trisquel. Unortunately, with the Email Program that comes along - Evolution - I haven't been able to send any emails using my yahoo.co.uk email account.
Can anyone tell me what the proper settings are?
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El 10/02/13 10:06, name at domain escribió:
> Hallo,
> I have recently switched to Evolution - with my switch from Mint to
Trisquel. Unortunately, with the Email Program that comes along -
Evolution - I haven't been able to send any emails using my yahoo.co.uk
email account.
> Can anyone tell me what the proper settings are?
The same as any other mail client.
Please post the error message. Then we can guide you better.
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Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/
Thanks for trying to help. I just downloaded Thunderbird, which I had succesfully used before, and checked wether it really is the same as in evolution and no, it's not the same at all. With thunderbird it takes less than one minute to set this up and it works perfectly. There is a lot less information to enter as well.. The problem is: I have already all my messsages, addresses and rules in evolution now, so I still want evolution to work.
It seems to be a big issue - on the Ubuntu Forums they have had a thread running for years on this and people are not getting it to work, others do, some say you have to pay for using evolution with yahoo .....
The error message is:
The reported error was "Welcome response error: Connection reset by peer".
Thanks for the link as well. I would be amazed if you managed to set this up according to their manual with a UK Yahoo address using evolution. I've tried that help section for hours, otherwise I wouldn't have come to the forum
Yeah, Thunderbird is pretty awesome. Evolution's setup is actually more normal for E-mail clients, but Thunderbird does just about everything automatically.
You do have to pay to use E-mail clients with Yahoo, at least officially. You're not supposed to be able to do it with gratis accounts except for "mobile" clients (which of course means clients on mobile phones). This is why I stopped using Yahoo (I now have a Gmail account, a lavabit.com account, and a riseup.net account).
How come it works perfectly fine on Thunderbird then?
It's probably using the settings mobile clients would use, or something. Whatever it's doing, just hope Yahoo doesn't ban you for it. :)
I use yahoo with evolution. Only IMAP is paid, you can still use POP3 for free which is what I do. It fetches the message to my computer and the big advantage of evolution over thunderbird is its backup feature. I only have to copy the gzipped and import it in evolution after.
Did you check ports? There are these ports for SMTP if you're using it:
25 or 587 (AUTH)
587 (StartTLS)
465 (SSL)
Some (most) ISPs block port 25 so if you are having problems only with sending out emails then make sure you change your SMTP settings to a port that is not blocked (eg. SSL)
I have done everything that is suggested in the yahoo help section and checked the ports etc.. I am not the only one to have this issue with evolution unfortunately. I have a non paid yahoo account it officially gives me the option to opt in to using pop - so this cannot be the problem either... switched to Thunderbird now., thanks for your help guys.
Hm... here's a thought, if you decide you want to try using another E-mail client: see what settings Thunderbird is using and use those settings on the other E-mail client. I had a problem with all E-mail clients sending E-mails from my Gmail account, but Thunderbird is able to do it without issue, so I guess Thunderbird must be intelligently picking settings that work.
Good thinking, but the parts of the settings that are visible in Thunderbird I entered exactly the same in Evolution. I am starting to suspect that Yahoo for some reason have decided to block connections from anything but Outlook or Thunderbird as they specifically say on their help page that these were the clients one could use to access yahoo mail using a pop server.
Anyways, since I've set up Thunderbird now I consider this thread as solved. Thunderbird is free software and available through the Trisquel repsositories so I'm fine. thanks your help
I just received an answer to the problem from Yahoo UK customer care, the settings suggested work for me.
Receiving Email:
Server Type: POP
Server: pop.mail.yahoo.com (even if you have a .co.uk account)
Port: 995
Username: yahoo id without the @yahoo.co.uk (use entire email address for ymail.com and rocketmail.com)
Security: SSL Encryption
Authentication Type: Password
Sending Email:
Server Type: SMTP
Server: smtp.mail.yahoo.com (even with a .co.uk account)
Port: 465
Tick the box Server requires authentication
Security Use secure connection: SSL encryption
Authentication Type: PLAIN
Username : yahoo id without the @yahoo.co.uk (use entire email address for ymail.com and rocketmail.com)
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