excellent way to sort your files

3 respuestas [Último envío]

I am a translator!

se unió: 10/31/2014

A couple of months ago I formatted my mp3 player (an old 4gb mpman). Ever since then if I need to copy lets say a 100 mb album on it it will take 5 minutes :( while it used to take 40 seconds before I formatted it. This I have no idea how to solve.
What I was able to solve is the randomness of the tracks within the album folders - very annoying especially if you are a prog maniac like myself, being that prog rock is full of concept albums so the order in which the songs are played matters.. It would play may songs in very random order 13-3-6-10-1 etc etc.
I installed this little program - it's called fatsort ---
assuming that your mp3 player is sdb all you need to do to sort it is:

fatsort -c /dev/sdb1

-c is "case sensitive"

p.s - if anybody knows how to solve the extremely slow transfer of music to my old but great mpman it would be very nice if he posted me the modus solvendi!!


se unió: 12/05/2014

i dont know too much about file systems but maby the fat file system is slower than what was one there before
see if something like ext3 or ext4 works?

also if you goto this website(work with no js)

you can convert to mp3 files to ogg
but when you do select a bitrate of 64 kbps
to make the file size smaller

so they will transfer quicker

davidnotcoulthard (no verificado)

So a lot of concept albums and a lot of the songs are not suites (or you actually seperate suites into different files, which I pretty much never do)?


I am a translator!

se unió: 10/31/2014

David - what I meant is when you listen to something like say "The snow goose" by Camel (I found out recently they did a revisited version which is highly recommended if you like the genre) the order in which the songs are played is important for that album has a certain developing order and especially when you get used to that order which makes sense to you, you find it very annoying to suddenly find your songs randomized.. Or - think about "Tommy" by The Who - the order is important for the development of the story in the rock opera.
But even if it is not a concept album it annoys me because my brain's got used to the order in which the songs connect one to another so it kinda bugs me!

of the 2 problems (random songs and slow transfer) it was the first actually that annoyed me more - i can wait for the songs to be copied, it is an issue but i can live with it. Nontheless if someon knows how to solve it it'll be highly appreciated!

tomlukey - I did try to reformat it to several formats but the issue persists