A few questions from GNU/Linux Trisquel guys (friendly)

3 respuestas [Último envío]
se unió: 05/07/2020

Hi friends,
First of all, I'm sorry to ask these kind of questions. I know this forum is for Trisquel related questions, but here is so lovely. nearly all forums runs non-free javascript so real freedom is only exist in here :)
At the moment I'm a student, I work on Django (for job) buy my main interest is creating free softwares/games and I'm gonna learn PyGTK, Pygame, Panda3D for my goal.
I'd really appreciate if you answer these questions (very curious to know :D ):
1- What's your job as a free software developer? (how do you make money?)
2- Which programming languages do you use? (are you working with multiple or focus on one? / what is your main language?)
3- Did your employer force you to use non-free softwares? How did you deal with these situations?
4- What do you suggest to become a professional GNU/Linux developer? I know C, Bash, Python and would love to help trisquel development. but I don't have any idea where and how to start.
any advice?
Thank you so much.


I am a member!

se unió: 08/28/2012

name at domain writes:

> Hi friends,
> First of all, I'm sorry to ask these kind of questions. I know this
> forum is for Trisquel related questions, but here is so lovely. nearly
> all forums runs non-free javascript so real freedom is only exist in
> here :)
> At the moment I'm a student, I work on Django (for job) buy my main
> interest is creating free softwares/games and I'm gonna learn PyGTK,
> Pygame, Panda3D for my goal.

Cool. I'm trying to develop a couple of SDL2 games in C using sdl-gpu.

> I'd really appreciate if you answer these questions (very curious to
> know :D ):

> 1- What's your job as a free software developer? (how do you make
> money?)

These days I do something else because I live in a different
country. But previously I developed a data management system for
veterinary clinics. The code was (and still is) free software.

> 2- Which programming languages do you use? (are you working with
> multiple or focus on one? / what is your main language?)

I wrote the system in Common Lisp, with bits in C (low level), and
Javascript (as part of the Web interface.)

> 3- Did your employer force you to use non-free softwares? How did you
> deal with these situations?

My clients, veterinarians, didn't know or care what language their
system was written in. All they cared about is that they logged in and
it worked, and when they asked for a fix or new feature it appeared
promptly and did what they specified.

Since the project had a Web interface, I was "forced" by circumstance to
generate HTML. In order to avoid writing X/HTML I wrote a Lisp->HTML
compiler. Over the years I developed a Lispy domain specific language to
help me solve the kinds of problems my clients wanted.

"Cut your own wood and it will warm you twice"

Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

se unió: 07/24/2010
  1. Professor in a Brazilian federal university. I develop free software for my research.
  2. C++ mainly. But also AWK and other text-processing commands called in Shell scripts.
  3. I sometimes have to fill Google Docs documents. I regularly complain. Beside that, I do what I want.
  4. C, Python and the shell are a nice set: popular languages that offer three trade-offs between performance and productivity. If you want efficiency but more than procedural programming, look at C++. See https://devel.trisquel.info/trisquel/package-helpers/blob/flidas/CONTRIBUTING.md to contribute to Trisquel (you want to learn sed's substitutions!).
    se unió: 05/07/2020

    Thanks for all replies... :)
    I still hope my friends respond :)
    specially some users that I know and follow them. like: @jxself, @onpon4, @mampir, ...