First time using a Linux/GNU OS. Looking for help connecting to my router

4 respuestas [Último envío]
se unió: 05/05/2015

I'm using the most recent version of Trisquel mini and attempting to connect to the internet using a PCI card (Asus N15) and can't figure it out. Not sure if my card is incompatible with Linux or I need to install drivers or if I'm stupid to figure out the network connection menu.

Any pointers or advice greatly appreciated!

Also while searching for fixes I saw a guy mentioning that Blender doesn't work in the current version of Trisquel. Never used Blender before but interested in starting so I'm curious if this will or has been fixed.

se unió: 08/11/2014

I couldn't find the Asus N15 on H-Node-- it seems to me that it isn't a free software-friendly card.
I'd reccomend a wifi USB dongle from
Blender works for me on Trisquel 7 (The latest release), and I'm unaware of any compatibility issues or some such thing.

se unió: 05/05/2015

I'll check out compatible adapters then. I'm going to keep working on it though until I can order one.

Thanks for the advise assistant.

Magic Banana

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se unió: 07/24/2010

The only two vendors that guarantee that Linux-libre can drive all their hardware are ThinkPenguin and Tehnoetic:


I am a translator!

se unió: 10/31/2014

or ebay wifi adapter Atheros series AR9xxx or AR5xxx and replace your N15 with one of those (5 or 10 dollars and no usb thingy permanently hanging on your lappy)