free-software compatible laptop
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I've been looking for a free-software compatible laptop. I found the Think-Penguin website; their computers look good to me.
Forum user Chris said that Think-Penguin will start selling laptops with higher-resolution screens. Think-Penguins currently come with 1366x768 screens.
Does anyone know when their new models may become available, and whether the higher-res screens will be available on the Gentoo model?
Chris posted in February 2013; I may need to get a computer toward the end of this month (April). I worry that their new ones won't be available that soon.
You had better directly contact Chris. He is the CEO of ThinkPenguin. ;-)
Agreed. Chris is pretty good at responding at questions/comments and posts here a lot. He's pretty friendly too, from what I saw.
Thanks guys, I will send Chris a message.
There was going to be a higher resolution model back in September... it didn't happen.
It's still not off the table although we need to get the demand up to do it. I hope we can fix the resource issue although almost everything is on hold until our new web site is rolled out. That has been delayed time and time again due to difficulties in developing the underlying code (the site is based on Drupal, a content management system, and an e-commerce module called Ubercart, however we are moving to Commerce, and implementing many new features for it), license issues with third parties, and more.
* And yes- I'm the CEO of ThinkPenguin if that wasn't clear <<< ie the ThinkPenguin logo for the profile picture.
> Drupal, a content management system ;)
> The term “content management” takes the prize for
> vacuity. “Content” means “some sort of information,” and
> “management” in this context means “doing something with
> it.” So a “content management system” is a system for
> doing something to some sort of information. Nearly all
> programs fit that description.
> In most cases, that term really refers to a system for
> updating pages on a web site. For that, we recommend the
> term “web site revision system” (WRS).
Sorry for the foul language :)
MB and miga -- thanks for putting me in touch with Chris. I ended up ordering a Gentoo Notebook. I'll post my thoughts and a few photos when it arrives.
The free software community thanks you for your order from Chris; LOL.
My next computer will likely be a Gen 2, especially if I get my hands
on one and like it before I buy.
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