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I just wanted to let everyone know we have a new piece of documentation:
This manual will show you how to install and play freedoom (a free doom iwad). Have fun guys!
Saddly that game isn't complete yet :(
anyway that engine works perfect if you already own a copy of doom or hexen.
the regular doom/hexen iwads aren't free so that is why we don't endorse their use.
I think Iwads are ok, they do nothing by the own, but yes, you're absolutely right. That is a fully personal position(mine) and trisquel shouldn't share it, hopefully in the future there will be free choices. I play red eclipse often!
My apologies.
I am by no means an expert but I believe an iwad is what you would call non-functional data. That would be things like maps and graphics. With this sort of data we only classify it as free if it can be copied for commercial and non-commercial use. I believe the problem with the regular doom iwads is that they can't be copied legally.
I am not an expert either, and I guess we can't treat an WAD like we treat the software, however, as it has been done before with hardware copyleft [0], I'll like to put the WAD against the 4 software freedoms:
(Check [1] for the definition of a WAD,IWAD and PWAD)
--0 The freedom to run the program, for any purpose (freedom 0).
*If you own the ID's IWAD you can play with it on any engine.
--1 The freedom to study how the program works, and change it so it does your computing as you wish.
*From what I read here [1], you could actually see the WAD inside, you could even edit it.
--2The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor.
*Here is the fail, legally you can't get a copy of the ID's IWAD for free, then, you can't either share it.
---3The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others.
*I guess this applies to the PWADs, that take data from the ID's IWAD, cause it still requires it. So it fails here too.
Unless who is gonna get the PWAD, already owns a copy of the ID's IWAD, because that way the person will be able to use you mod.
Clearly it fails in the freedom #2 and sort of fails on the #3.
Now I want to talk about other WADs:
The freedoom project's philosophy and goals are good, and that is very important when you come to help the software freedom. And according to [4] it seems to be the only project that pretends to replace all the ID's IWAD content.
<-->this next part is personal, feel free to argue, I'll read. <-->
So, I think that using those WADS that are in the web for free is OK, as long they works with the IWAD from freedom or any free IWAD.
[0] (spanish)
ps. I'll accept any correction. =)
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