Game night?
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I vote for teeworlds
its a fun game and it should not require anyone to have a amazing internet connection to play it
and supertramp may beable to run it(dont know if he has tried)
also my second vote in-case there’s a draw
is doom(if we can get the multiplayer working)
I suppose I'll say. . . Doom or Freedoom. (If Doom, it might be best to use the shareware version, unless it's possible to use Freedoom to join a Doom 2 game; is it?)
I think it's possible to do co-op games in Doom, isn't it? I'm not sure. If it is, I'd prefer that over deathmatch, but I'm not picky.
Sorry if I am late, but yes, latest FreeDoom (0.9 at least) can run any DOOM 1 and 2 PWADS and connect to online servers with no need of the propietary ID's IWAD .
i count the winning votes as
2 openarena
2 doom
and as i chose doom as my second vote i guess doom wins??!
anyone know how to setup a doom server?
openarena is my favorite multi-player game on GNU. Doom is great and basically the only one that runs great without video acceleration, so count me in if it is Doom!
I have no idea how to set up a server though. Will try to find out.
> openarena is my favorite multi-player game on GNU
Mine as well! My second favorite is Hedgewars. BTW, how is OA your favorite if you can't run it?
I palyed it a lot on the lappy I had before the one I'm on now. It was also a lappy with an AMD crap but at the time (a year ago or less) I was using Xubuntu and had the "opensource" driver installed and the non-free firmware, so the performance was very good. I was able to run it on 1600*900 resolution and everything at max. It lagged a little because of my slow internet connection but I had a ton of fun with it nonetheless.
My second favorite was Scorched3d - that is actually my favorite game to play with few friends on one same computer. Very entertaining!
i like hedgewars too.
Yup, the winning game is Doom!
Install FreeDoom and Prboom+.
I'll post the server address on Saturday for game night.
night in USA is afternoon where I am, so I'm very fine with it! :)
post the info and let the game begin!
EDIT: actually when it is 9 pm in Chicago it is 4 am in Italy!
Also - I played for an hour or so today in SP and my lappy got so hot that it shut down!
Will disassemble it, clean and apply some thermal paste and see if I can get it to a reasonable temp. Anyway, have fun triskellians!
how to you connect to servers with prdoom+?
With the command:
"prboom -iwad (free)doom.wad -net (IP/Hostname:Port)"
Should we coordinate this on IRC tomorrow?
Someone on #trisquel suggested we use Mumble to speak to teammates, it sounds like a good idea:
(It's available in the Trisquel repos)
Join us at the Mumble server :)
I'm joining the #LGN and #Trisquel rooms-- the #LGN room is the preferred room for Libre Game Night discussion, and I'll be in the #Trisquel room redirecting people to #LGN.
I'm setting up the server now, so make sure you have PrBoom+ installed and the Freedoom WAD!
Looks like there's plans for another next week on June 4th. Hope I can make it to that one!
me too
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