Getting Started with Free and Open Source Projects

4 respuestas [Último envío]
se unió: 08/26/2015

Hi all, I want to actually be a contributor in some free and open source projects. I am mostly a digital artist (games industry artist/ tech artist), but I do have a beginner to intermediate skill in coding and audio production. I am wondering if anyone has had any experience with contributing to a project and what their experience was.

Would anyone like to share?

Do I need a certain minimum skill level in order to participate?



se unió: 05/13/2010

"I'm a poorly skilled UNIX programmer but it was immediately obvious to me how to incrementally extend the DHCP client code (the feeling was exhilarating and addictive).

Additionally, due directly to GPL + having the full development environment in front of me, I was in a position where I could write up my changes and email them out within a couple of hours (in contrast to how things like this would get done in NT). Engaging in that process would have prepared me for a larger, more ambitious Linux project in the future."

-- Vinod Valloppillil, a Program Manager at Microsoft


se unió: 08/26/2015

Haha, thanks for the encouragement. Just do it. I get it.

se unió: 05/15/2011

If you have an idea or want to improve upon something that others may eventually benefit from, then go for it while you have the interest and momentum on your side.

se unió: 08/26/2015

I guess my fear was that I would be condescended upon :) I'll give it a shot. I think its probably best for me to start by initiating my own project first. I think there is a thread somewhere in the forums about setting up your own code project page. I'll get on that.