Getting Things Done (GTD) task manager in Trisquel?

4 respuestas [Último envío]
se unió: 06/05/2013

Hello all,

I was wondering if there were any good task manager/to do list programs in Trisquel. I've tried both Getting Things Gnome (GTG) and Tasque, but neither one was quite what I wanted. (GTG doesn't have priorities and Tasque doesn't have subtasks)

I'm particularly a big fan of the Getting Things Done (GTD) method of task management. In the past I used a website called "" (possibly a SaaS), and would love to find a libre replacement.

Some features that I would really want:

* Subtasks
* Priorities
* Tags
* Contexts (Could use tags if necessary)
* Start dates and due dates
* Ability to drag and drop tasks
* Preferably a "Today" "Next", "Scheduled" "Someday", and "Waiting" scheme, as indicated in, but not a necessity.
* Syncing if possible

Is there anything that would come close to this? Or should I just stick to pen & paper? Thanks.

Michał Masłowski

I am a member!

I am a translator!

se unió: 05/15/2010

If you use Emacs, org-mode might do most of these. I use Mercurial for
syncing with other computers: there are only text files that can be
easily diffed.

se unió: 06/05/2013

Thanks for the input. I've heard of org-mode, but haven't really tried it out too extensively. I'm not too familiar with Emacs, being primarily a GUI user.

se unió: 01/04/2012

Getting things Gnome:


se unió: 06/05/2013

Yes, those are the two programs I was talking about. I did try adding a PPA for GTG, to see if the latest version would have the features I wanted. However, despite some improvements, it still wasn't enough for me.

In my search I've come across TaskCoach.[1] It seems to be free software, so I'm going to give it a try, to see if it will be a good fit.
