give a dog a bad name
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There is a very famous weekly manga magazine called Weekly Shonen Jump in Japan.
When I was a elementary and a junior high school boy, I was a fanatical fun of DragonBall. Every monday, we can buy the magazine. About 20 manga titles are included in the magazine. Probably every boy of my junior high school was reading the magazine then. DragonBall was overwhelming popular. Probably most boys or possibly every boy must have read it on mondays. I just could not wait for monday to read DragonBall. Each of manga artists of Jump draws about 20 pages a week. I don't remember well other titles except SlumDunk. But also DragonBall got dull because editors usually have a habit of forcing poplular writers to keep continuing their works. (btw royalties are usually under 10%, it seems)
I lost interest in DragonBall and stopped to buy Jump. After a few years, I started buying Jump again and then Taizo Moteking Saga started. That was the second time for me to be able to feel that feeling, I cannot wait for monday.
Every week I got a big laugh, sometimes I got a great laugh. It is really my favorite manga. Too funny.
Of course I bought his comic books. They wtiters usually publish their works they drew in magazines in book form after a few months.
They usually add a short comment on their comic books. The writer of Taizo (Taizo is the hero who got boiled water) has written an interesting comment on a book, it was summary of reaction from readers of Jump. They writers receive fan mail from readers. The writer cited some of fan mail in the short comment. It was like...
> It was great! Keep at it!
> It was terrible.
> That parody of **** (other popular title in Jump) was great! Do more it! (He uses parody quite often)
> You are the lowest of the low to make parody of ****. Never do that again.
> I hope your work will never come to a end.
> Go to Hell!!!!
"Reactions to the same manga work and this difference... as I expected, WAR WILL NOT DISAPPEAR FROM THE WORLD." (his comment)
I didn't understand why they were so angry. The manga was just so much fun. And I wondered why they read the manga. If they don't like some manga, they don't have to read them. The writer also has muttered the same question modestly. But he concluded, "Well, it might be better than ignoring." Btw, a brief summary of the story is that somehow or other Taizo keep hitting on every bit of cute girl inspite of deeply unpopular with girls. Girls always take him knock around but he always takes the knocks. And the servant always plots a chance to laugh Taizo's misery and keeps a straight face.
My son was a Dragon Ball fan. He had several years worth of Shonen Jump and would read them over and over. I never could understand it at all.
You have Shonen Jump in your country... I am glad to hear that. Your son might have tried spouting kamehameha in private. I have. But just once. I failed but someday someone might achieve it. I found the English version. I am going to buy it. My half soul is made with Dragon Ball so I know the lines it by heart.
You think kamehameha is possible for a human? Seems more like a god or a demon would do that.
> That is a show for children. Why are you guys talking about it so seriously. How old are you? Don't you have any shame?
That's very funny, especially when reading your first post.
When I tried that, I noticed if it was actually emitted, it could destroy my house and the next door house. So I think that I turned toward the windows and emitted it to the sky but I think that I must have not opened the windows. If I succeeded in it, I could afford to buy such windows...
With great power comes great responsibility, Masaru.
Yep, seems true... If Sayen was going to attack the earth, maybe the strongest professional fighters must fight against Vegeta and Nappa... Well, actually if U.S.Army bombards their spaceships with nuclear bombs, maybe it is enough though. Btw the word Sayen is a pun of the word yasai. Yasai means vegitable. It might be well-known too, though. Akira Toriyama writes in the short comment that he was asked others to get rid of the creepy black bug and then he took the bug with his hand and got rid of the bug, then others were like, "Eww..."... He was complaining that but they asked, so he did. There was a rumor that he was enthusiastic about a religion, now I guess he might have been a jain or something. But even if I was a jain, I would not be able to do that. His love seems to be too much, too.
Do you think that a story like DragonBall could be made with totally libre software and libre hardware? I wonder what it would take?
Talos Raptor II with 2 28-core Power9 CPU's
A discrete AMD video card running on libre drivers
Tons of memory and drive space, including NVMe SSD drives
Some kind of Manga comic drawing software that is libre
A digital drawing pen and pad that have libre drivers
You could probably make a lot of money selling the comics and videos. It would probably be the first fully libre Manga. Release it under an open creative commons license, and let other Manga fans fork it and write about its characters.
I have been thinking a way of supporting young ambitious people who desire to be a manga artist.
Publishers of the manga world seem to be worse than the film world. In the film world, I don't know the current situations but many film directors have complained about the film industry. It seems that producers tend to exercise their power by changing a plot, the cast, use my lover as a hero, Beethoven said that he could not move even one note to the pope, all of young artists must have the pride. The editors of publishers do censorship. They let artists change the plots. Unbelievably they even say they "created" those popular manga works finally. There must be many people who failed to continue their works on those magazines. They editors must have exercised the power while the artists had the chance to be able to write works on the magazines. That is contaminating. I call it contaminating. The pope should have written his own work. They have no right to contaminate other's works. Even if laws forgive it, I don't forgive it. If they want to do it, they should retire from editing if their charge of manga works failed. They don't have the responsibility. They are still sitting the chair of the publishers and taking high salary. I'm afraid that probably royalties are usually under 10%. That is nothing but exploiting. The system. They also should write their own works or make every effort to "support" the manga artists. I'm not sure what you want to say but nowadays young people themselves can publish their works online freely. But they might need support for other troubles. The publishers must have been supporting the artists in those troubles strongly but absolutely under 10% is exploiting. Obviously it is not fair. I'm not sure what you want to say, but I got some of new ideas about how to support them. They would want to make their works freely with their responsibility, win or lose. They would be disgusted that despite the editors have contaminated their works, the editors did not take the responsibility even if their works failed.
I think that every human should be an artist. Even if it takes 50 years to make one good work, we should aim to break the top work that like Bernini's instead of infesting and contaminating. I wonder why they like contaminating so much. Maybe because many people give up to be an artist in the system, I guess.
> I'm not sure what you want to say, but I got some of new ideas about how to support them. They would want to make their works freely with their responsibility, win or lose. They would be disgusted that despite the editors have contaminated their works, the editors did not take the responsibility even if their works failed.
You've made good points about the editors and their greed. What I'm trying to say is that free software, free (libre) computers, and creative commons licensing could make it possible for more people to be creative in Manga.
Yes there is possibility... btw recently I was reassembling X60s. Lastly, I was screwing the bolt of the hdd cover. Then the bolt fell down. And I could not find the bolt somehow. But after a short while, I noticed something rattling inside the laptop. I thought something came off so I started to disassemble it again. Firstly I took the hdd cover off and then the bolt fell from the space of the hard disk. There was no hdd. So there was empty. But I wondered how the bolt had entered the space. I checked whether or not there was something hole or something on the surface that could lead to the space but it seems there is no such hall on the surface. Or is there? That was one of "This is God power...". What was that. Off-topic...??
> But I wondered how the bolt had entered the space. I checked whether or not there was something hole or something on the surface that could lead to the space but it seems there is no such hall on the surface. Or is there? That was one of "This is God power...".
You think God dropped your screw in your empty hard drive case? Or that you did it through God-power? Sorry to say, but I have my doubts. I think God probably doesn't do the little things. Could be a naughty demon though!
Or an alien?

Yes yes that's it. That's bad. What Hikikomori is doing is supposed mainly to compute. Then naturally most of them are diagnosed as mental illness, at worst. Then there are reraly normal doctors then they fall over prescription, it pressures Japanese finances, media report, etc etc. It is a deflationary spiral.
I think that basically the cause is the issue of communication. They are too sensitive. And additionally the natural feelings that why do I have to work 10 hours 6 days? I can understand the feelings but... that's bad.
It seems that so-called developed countries also have a similar issue. An author has mentioned that they cannot do hikikomori if they could not afford to do it. Please do something Andy. Hikikomori cannot find a woman. Btw young Japanese tend not to want a car. Young couples seem not to care of moving by trains, buses. When I was young, I had refused to kiss a girl. After the event, the girl got a boyfriend and he had a car! I realized I needed a car. But from the beginning, I wanted a private space with my girl friend.
I have recently heard that they also tend not to want even a girl friend! or it might have been a lover from the context. I'm not sure. We were talking about FaceBook. I told it must be difficult to cheat on their girl friends because of social media compared to our era. We had a mobile phone but we did not have such trackers. Anyway that's really bad. Basic desire is getting vanished. I also think that they young people know material satisfaction not always don't give them happiness since they have been seeing their parents. They might know comfortable communication is much more important so that might be why they don't have material desires very much . But that is also an important desire, I think. I wanted a cute girl friend, I wanted Ferrari, so I was able to put a lot of time and effort into it...
What do you think about it? Is there something we old men should do for it?
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