
17 respuestas [Último envío]
se unió: 11/20/2011

Anybody knows when we're going to have Gnash 0.8.10 accessible for Trisquel? Is there a way to update?

se unió: 01/18/2012

'Trisquel 5.5 STS Brigantia' will include version '0.8.10~git20110618', so probably 'Trisquel 6.0 LTS'. Alternatively, you can create and fund a task yourself if you want to have an up-to-date version in the official repositories. More info on

Between, the announcement is here:


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se unió: 04/19/2011

If you want to test it, you could have a look at this PPA:

It has gnash 0.8.10~git20110618. I have not tried it and that PPA contains
many applications, some of which could be non-free (I have not verified
this). So if you decide to use that PPA, keep in mind the issues related to
external repositories.

se unió: 03/29/2011

This is the official GNU PPA -> and
has the latest Gnash

se unió: 11/20/2011

To add this PPA run this command in a terminal:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dnjl/multimedia
This PPA depends on another PPAs. To add them, also run:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dnjl/ppa
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dnjl/kernel
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kxstudio-team/ppa
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gstreamer-developers/ppa
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa

Why add ubuntu-wine ppa? It looks strange to me...


I am a member!

I am a translator!

se unió: 04/19/2011

If you want to test it, you could have a look at this PPA:

It has gnash 0.8.10~git20110618. I have not tried it and that PPA contains many applications, some of which could be non-free (I have not verified this). So if you decide to use that PPA, keep in mind the issues related to external repositories.

se unió: 11/20/2011

To add this PPA run this command in a terminal:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dnjl/multimedia
This PPA depends on another PPAs. To add them, also run:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dnjl/ppa
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dnjl/kernel
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kxstudio-team/ppa
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gstreamer-developers/ppa
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa

Why add ubuntu-wine ppa? It looks strange to me...

se unió: 03/29/2011

This is the official GNU PPA -> and has the latest Gnash

se unió: 11/20/2011

Is my Trisquel system still free after installing this ppa?

Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

se unió: 07/24/2010

This PPA only contains GNU packages. I believe it is safe to think that it will always be so. You can relax. ;-)

se unió: 03/29/2011

Yes, it is safe and recommended by the FSF. See the "How to get GNU software" section at

se unió: 11/20/2011

Adding this PPA to your system

You can update your system with unsupported packages from this untrusted PPA by adding ppa:dns/gnu to your system's Software Sources


I am a member!

I am a translator!

se unió: 07/27/2010

To understand the definition on trust here you have to understand how encryption keys work. I would read the terminology section on the email encryption documentation for more info.

Here is a hypothetical scenario. Lets say one day I get an email from someone and it says "Hey this is marioger from the Trisquel message boards. Here is my GPG public key (XYZ) so now we can send encrypted emails." At this point the key WILL work and we can send encrypted emails and I know the emails I get came from the private key corresponding to (XYZ). But I don't trust the key because all I have is someone who emailed me, sent me a key, and CLAIMS to be marioger. Now, lets say then we meet in person and you produce two forms of ID like a passport and driver's license (that say you are marioger) and then tell me my key is (XYZ). At this point I probably will trust that key (XYZ) does in fact belong to marioger.

Basically I could make an encryption key that says I am Barrack Obama or George Bush. You shouldn't trust that unless you verify it. There is another thing called the web of trust which is a little beyond this. But basically lets say I get an email with a key saying it is from Barrack Obama. However, if it is signed by a bunch of my friends or family who I KNOW are meticulous with their keysigning (they check identities) then I might trust the key. But that is beyond the scope of this little post. Lastly, this kind of trust is trust in identity. It is different then "Here hold my wallet" kind of trust.

So what it is saying is you are adding this PGP key from the PPA to your system but at the current point in time it is untrusted in the sense that you haven't verified where it came from.

The unsupported part is pretty obvious. It means because you are using external software sources Trisquel won't support it.


I am a member!

I am a translator!

se unió: 07/27/2010

To understand the definition on trust here you have to understand how
encryption keys work. I would read the terminology section on the
[ email encryption
documentation] for more info.

Here is a hypothetical scenario. Lets say one day I get an email from
someone and it says "Hey this is marioger from the Trisquel message boards.
Here is my GPG public key (XYZ) so now we can send encrypted emails." At
this point the key WILL work and we can send encrypted emails and I know the
emails I get came from the private key corresponding to (XYZ). But I don't
trust the key because all I have is someone who emailed me, sent me a key,
and CLAIMS to be marioger. Now, lets say then we meet in person and you
produce two forms of ID like a passport and driver's license (that say you
are marioger) and then tell me my key is (XYZ). At this point I probably
will trust that key (XYZ) does in fact belong to marioger.

Basically I could make an encryption key that says I am Barrack Obama or
George Bush. You shouldn't trust that unless you verify it. And this kind
of trust is trust in identity. It is different then "Here hold my wallet"
kind of trust.

So what it is saying is you are adding this PGP key from the PPA to your
system but at the current point in time it is untrusted in the sense that you
haven't verified where it came from.

se unió: 11/20/2011

Adding this PPA to your system

You can update your system with unsupported packages from this untrusted PPA
by adding ppa:dns/gnu to your system's Software Sources

Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

se unió: 07/24/2010

This PPA only contains GNU packages. I believe it is safe to think that it
will always be so. You can relax. ;-)

se unió: 03/29/2011

Yes, it is safe and recommended by the FSF. See the "How to get GNU software"
section at

se unió: 11/20/2011

Is my Trisquel system still free after installing this ppa?