Help printing .CBZ file
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Hello all,
My printer scans in .JPG format so I thought it would be best to save the files in the .CBZ format which Evince and Comix can display. Unfortunately, I couldn't print the document with either. Is it possible to print the file without extracting the images?
I'm unfamiliar with CBZ files, but I think you can use this free tool called Calibre: to convert it to a PDF. You should be able to print a PDF.
Calibre is available through Add/Remove Programs and Synaptic Package Manager.
.CBZ is just .JPG images compressed using .ZIP. Is there a simple way of making a .PDF out of .JPG images? Calibre seems to be very slow unfortunately.
The convert command from ImageMagick can do that:
$ for file in *jpg; do convert $file ${file%jpg}pdf; done
You can then concat the PDF files with pdfjoin (in the pdfjam package):
$ pdfjoin *pdf
However you will have trouble with the page order (if they are numbered, that can be easily solved thanks to the seq command).
That would be strange if Calibre would be slower than a couple of commands... so I guess sticking with Calibre (and improving it? ;-) ) will be the way.
Calibre actually failed to convert the .CBZ unfortunately. I thought it was simply slow, but it simply didn't do anything :(
To follow up: gThumb can send all the .JPG images to a printer (of course this requires extracting the images from the .CBZ file beforehand).
Okular can print .CBZ files, but the quality isn't very good (maybe I need to tweak a few settings).
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