
2 respuestas [Último envío]
se unió: 12/27/2016

I have domain name and want to have a private email.Can I create my own mail server use trisquel?(home hosting) If can,please give me a suggestion

-zinnun- (support free software)

se unió: 09/13/2010

Sure you can use Trisquel to run servers. I have been doing it for years. There is lots of possible options and variations, all depending on various factors. There is tons of documentation online - any information you find on doing it with Ubuntu will be directly relevant for you since Trisquel is based on Ubuntu, but really, the configuration of the programs are all the same anyway because programs like Postfix are the same Postfix regardless of distro. :)

Have fun and welcome to the self-hosted club!

se unió: 06/05/2016

GNUTransfer (gnutransfer[dot]com) is a good choice. This service supports Trisquel VPS servers.