how do you read your books: pdf or html?

15 respuestas [Último envío]
se unió: 07/03/2016

Hi to all the people of this beautiful forum.
First of all Let me contextualize the question and be more specific:
I am talking about free books that one can found freely in the web. I n my case more like Tech books but could be from others areas of literature.
A more specific question should be: what is better to use: reading one book trough the browser (html) or reading the same using pdf file. What is less computer resource consuming, energy saving, etc.
I hope you understand my question.

Many many thanks in advance.

Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

se unió: 07/24/2010

I do not think it makes any difference: in both cases, the CPU probably runs at the lowest available frequency ('cpufreq-info' in a terminal can tell you the current frequencies). The same holds for the GPU (if you have a separate video card). You can reduce the brightness of the screen to save energy. And do not believe that a black background wastes less energy than a white background: it was the case with CRT screens but it is not true for LCD screens (it usually is the opposite!):

Alexander Stephen Thomas Ross
se unió: 09/18/2012

> I do not think it makes any difference: in both cases, the CPU probably
> runs at the lowest available frequency ('cpufreq-info' in a terminal can
> tell you the current frequencies).

heh, try rendering (=viewing) a large pdf on 300-400mz 32mb ram little
embedded pocket, handheld system like a nano note or a zipit. they
struggle. compared to html which quickly renders in a text cli (with
images) web browser.


I am a translator!

se unió: 10/31/2014

I like evince for the pdfs and fbreader for the epubs.

Alexander Stephen Thomas Ross
se unió: 09/18/2012

for books i prefer epub as its well supported by ebook readers for text
to speech, which is how i prefer to "read" a book

se unió: 08/17/2011

calibre for epubs and evince for pdf's. I like epubs better because the text is rendered relatively to page (viewer) size and not just staticly on the page.

se unió: 07/03/2016

I am a little bit antiquate I confess. I usually read my pdf books with a pdf reader, evince in the moment. I believe the next logical question for me to make is:
it's better to read a book in pdf or in epub? There is any quality-significant difference between the two? And If I want to download epubs where I could find them? don't answer if you feel compromised in any way!
Best regards


I am a translator!

se unió: 10/31/2014

Knowledge, that is books, should be free (free as in gratis). Sure, those who write them should be able to live a decent life out of writing them and we should find a solution for this (it is my personal opinion that the State should pay the writers). So you can see how I don't in the slightest feel "compromised" (did you mean "shy"?) to share any relevant link where you can get them for free. There are many. The largest database I know of is:

se unió: 07/03/2016

->So you can see how I don't in the slightest feel "compromised" (did you mean "shy"?)
hay hay superTramp always correcting me, always suggesting words, always playing the clever one!
Compromise = comprometido (I believe in castelhano eres lo mismo!)
It's that so cryptic? No, it so straightforward, so easy to understand... hay hay...
But that link is so great, that I'll give you a pass on that one. :p

p.s Are you jealous of my English, Supertramp? (just occurred me!)


I am a translator!

se unió: 10/31/2014

> always correcting me

no. I correct people when they are wrong, I expect them and wish they do the same when I am wrong. You are not **always** wrong.

>always playing the clever one!

Thank you.


>Are you jealous of my English, Supertramp?

Very much.

se unió: 07/03/2016

You are joking right?
Are you not spanish? I'll wait for the confirmation or negation.
Apparently you are the type of person that only sees what you want to see...
I don't have to give you another dicctionary let's only use your reference. In the same page that you gave, a little more above:
->"a. To expose or make liable to danger, suspicion, or disrepute: a secret mission that was compromised and had to be abandoned."
Why such an hurry to judge? Calm down, maybe the other have some point!
Admit: you are jealous of my English, it's a fact. Maybe I'll explain you why!
And now I know Who is the one who is clicking the minus key all the time! Use it cautiously...


I am a translator!

se unió: 10/31/2014


se unió: 07/03/2016

All you have is an image? I prove you that the word compromise would fit on my sentence. Beat you with your own reference dictionary. And all you have is an image!
How would you consider yourself a translator if you don't know the words!

se unió: 12/31/2012

Personally, I think non-functional data (books which aren't manuals,
as a short example) should be at least shareable and of course,
readable/usable. The rest is up to the copyright holders and authors to
decide what to allow or deny.

I don't mind having to pay for the types of books described above if
they do respect the criteria I described above.

se unió: 05/13/2010

> And If I want to download epubs where I could find them?

Here's a few epubs

se unió: 10/19/2016

I prefer epub (with Calibre)