How to get rid of Computer, Trash, and Home from desktop

2 respuestas [Último envío]
se unió: 09/01/2011

please, can someone explain how to remove the Home, Computer, and Trash icons from the desktop.

Adrian Malacoda

I am a member!

se unió: 12/26/2010

This is a Nautilus setting, but from what I can tell Nautilus doesn't offer a way to configure it, so the only way I know how to is with the gconf-editor.

Type alt-F2 to open up a "Run Application" dialog and enter in "gconf-editor". In the left-hand tree navigation, browse to /apps/nautilus/desktop and uncheck the following: computer_icon_visible, home_icon_visible, trash_icon_visible

se unió: 09/01/2011

Thanks! problem solved.