How to use 'Aqemu' on Trisquel? (Am I missing something from the turtorial I found?)
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Hi, I've been wanting to play around with different OS's through virtual machines that are free softwares and I had found Aqemu within the 'Add/Remove Applications.'
I'm specifically trying to work with Pop! OS. I've previously tried 'Boxes' but that wasn't working out for me, however despite following the tutorial I've found below:
I wasn't able to get Pop! OS working on it.
I currently have it's HDA image stored within 'Home/(username)/Virtual Hard Disk/Pop OS' & the image file is placed here 'Home/(username)/Downloads/pop_os_(blaa, blaa blaa)_.img
I just don't know what went wrong, does the virtual HD need to be stored with '/media'?
Can someone give me a hand here please
Any advice would be appreciated
Just so you are aware, PopOS has proprietary software.
What doesn't work? What happens when you try to boot the virtual machine?
I don't know what's going on now. I've already created a virtual machine with HDD and selected the ISO, and yet for it's telling me I need to create a virtual machine (this is after booting the software). So I tried making a HDD for the same virtual machine again, but it's giving me this error message:
Sender: bool Create_New_HDD_Image( bool encrypted, const QString &base_image,const QString &file_name, const QString &format, VM::Device_Size size, bool verbose )
Message: Cannot Start qemu-img! Image isn't Created!
After that, I deleted that virtual machine and went to create another one only to receive the same message above.
I'm thinking of bailing on this software and going for Qemu.
But answering your earlier question, nothing ever happens with no signs of anything.
Sorry, this probably isn't of much help, isn't it.
What happens if you try to run "qemu-img" in a terminal?
The following messages received states:
Command 'qemu-img' not found, but can be installed with:
sudo apt install qemu-utils
sudo apt install qemu-utils|1:4.2-3ubuntu6
I just installed 'qemu-utils' now and checked Aqemu, but nothings changed. Everything seems to be acting normally, besides not being able to boot anything up virtually.
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