I bought a Replicant/Cyanogenmod-incompatible Android phone.
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Samsung Galaxy Star Duos GT-S5282
1.I failed to find the device in compatibility lists. I found "Samsung Galaxy S", maybe this is shortening for "Star"?
2.How can I help to create Replicant/Cyanogenmod version for my model?
P.S. I'm not going to return the phone in shop. That was the cheapest Android phone and I have big debts.
Note for Armworm and other users: I promise that I won't discuss this here anymore.
I have a Samsung Galaxy Pocket Plus (GT-S5301B), which I won from my biological father as a birthday gift.
It's a class M (Magical) smartphone [1], and in the last time I checked, it isn't supported by Replicant.
I can't return it because I think that it would look like some kind of negligence by my part, specially considering the fact that my biological father started to care for me just this year. Also, it's the only cellphone I have and my contacts call me by the number of my current SIM card, which I have since 2010.
I would like to test a Replicant build in my current cellphone, but at the moment, I am too dependent on its stability.
I managed to install F-Droid and a terminal emulator, but I can't properly login as an administrator.
Anyway, I won't go any further because this forum is not for smartphones.
Dude, you are asking for help installing free software. Relax, if someone criticizes you, just tell them to fuck off. They already want to censor threads on proprietary software, don't let them do the same with free software threads!
Have you tried CM? Like said above, Replicant will come to smartphones already supported by CM, not the other way around. And CM is better than stock rom anywya, so...
Hey. Try taking a look at this http://forum.cyanogenmod.com/topic/83936-request-for-samsung-galaxy-star-duos/
It has no replies yet, but maybe you can add your own request there, and it will eventually play out :) good luck.
Also, you might wanna try getting root access, removing some pieces of software, and use only free software apps... F-Droid is a good help.
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