I just installed XFCE and I love it! But I'm missing my wifi/network applet...

17 respuestas [Último envío]
se unió: 12/24/2014

I know it's still running because it's automatically connecting me to my home wifi network and popping up notifications when it's done. In htop I can see that it is running in the background. However it does not show up in the system tray and I cannot figure out how to get it to, so I can't interact with it or anything. Can anyone help me please?

se unió: 06/29/2013

There seems to be a problem with xfce's system tray, you can use another system tray; summon the terminal emulator and:

$ sudo aptitude install xfce4-indicator-plugin

Then, go to the panel, left click and select panel and add elements to the panel. After that, select the new indicator you have downloaded. You will see that the indicator is "too complete", press right mouse button with the cursor over the new tray and select properties to be able to choose what applications you don't want to show up. After selecting what you want, restart the session.

Tell us if that worked.

se unió: 12/24/2014

It certainly seemed to work, it's there now. However there are two things wrong. You are right that it is too complete, I cannot take away specific parts of it, either I can have the whole thing or remove the whole thing. I'd love to be able to get rid of the chat indicator since I've never once used it.
And, as you can see in the screenshot, the color is all messed up.

Screenshot from 2015-05-17 07:14:36.png
se unió: 06/29/2013

Regarding the problem of the color, it all depends on the theme: the indicator have problems with some themes os changing the theme to another one should solve the problem (I cannot do more... sorry).

I think it should be better if I show you what to do by images: Again, right click on the tray, select properties and check the applications you want to be invisible. It is mandatory to exit the session for the configuration to take effect:

Helping2.png Helping.png
se unió: 12/24/2014

That worked! In order to restart it to make the changes take effect I had to reboot because I noticed the logout button on the indicator does not work. Shut down does, but not log out.

se unió: 06/29/2013

Again, tell us if everything went right.

se unió: 06/02/2012

Go to "session and startup" -> Application startup and disable Indicator
Application, you wouldn't need to add the indicator plugin on your panel

and then logout and login

se unió: 12/24/2014

What? But a_slacker_here told me to install it and it fixed the problem.

se unió: 04/05/2012

indicator-application and xfce4-indicator-plugin are not the same thing.

Some applications use the indicator application instead of a notification area if the former is present.
If you want your panel to be simpler you can add the notification area to your panel and disable indicator application startup.

se unió: 12/24/2014

I tried to add it to the panel, but it's greyed out and I cannot click on it to add it.

se unió: 06/29/2013

That is because you have it already on the panel somewhere but you cannot see it because it is empty.

I've tried to start the nm-applet manually but it didn't appear on the original indicator.

se unió: 12/24/2014

Okay, what should I do here?

se unió: 06/29/2013

I don't know more, sorry

se unió: 04/05/2012

Maybe the indicator application is running.
Try killing it with indicator application in terminal:
killall indicator-application-service

If you would like help, it would be helpful to be more elaborate about what you did and what you want to do. If I knew your exact situation I would probably be able to help you get what you need.

se unió: 12/18/2013

I've installed network-manager-gnome as the main WI-FI program, but you could also choose wicd-gtk to manage connections in the panel.

You can tweak the colors in the Panel Preferences (The panel preferences can be opened by going to Settings → Panel in your applications menu. You can also access panel preferences by right clicking on your panel and going to Panel Settings. If you right click on space occupied by a panel plugin, you can access panel preferences by going to Panel → Panel Preferences....)

But I also suggest this package you can install: gtk-theme-config
It can change the highlight colors of the theme, the panel and menu colors, as in this screen shot.

Screenshot - 22-05-2015 - 17:05:59.png
se unió: 12/24/2014

THAT fixed the coloring issue. Thank you!

davidnotcoulthard (no verificado)

I'm pretty sure the newest version of XFCE "can change the highlight colors of the theme, the panel and menu colors, as in this screen shot" as well. Not sure about the version available in Trisquel's repos, but you can always grab the newest one at https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+archive/ubuntu/xfce-4.12

se unió: 04/05/2012

(wrong place)