I want Unity without VirtualBox. Proprietary scope.

6 respuestas [Último envío]

I want to install Unity. I think it is free and this is not mistake. But I saw package "unity-scope-virtualbox".
VirtualBox is deleted from Free Software Directory and Trisquel Package Repository — it isn't fully free.
I saw packages "ACCOUNT-PLUGIN-non-free_service".
Install or not install? Free or not?

stas730 (no verificado)

I think mpg321 is free. I going to installing all recommended packages expecting: libqt5core5, libgtk2-mozembed-perl and tomboy.
Reason to not install first package — I need to delete many packages.
Reason to not install second package — I didn't trust this package. I installed one "trusted" package — freenet (for my user only). I will be install tomboy later.
Mozembed is Mozilla Embed? Firefox? Non-free?

Magic Banana

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I am a translator!

se unió: 07/24/2010

mpg321 is free software. It is in Trisquel's repository. But it does not have the dependencies (nor the recommended packages) you mention. You know you had better use the package manager, right?

stas730 (no verificado)

Ok. I will not install Unity.

Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

se unió: 07/24/2010
se unió: 05/13/2010

Here is useful information on (trying to) remove the spying in unity https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://fixubuntu.com/

Tris 6 is based on 12.04, no spying there and Tris 7 on 14.04 where this needs to be applied.

stas730 (no verificado)

I installed Unity and disabled spying.