Installing something like minigalaxy through Tarball

2 respuestas [Último envío]
se unió: 12/29/2018

Hey all, I'm unsure if this goes here but I'm a sorta new Trisquel user (and Linux in general, as I've been trying to attempt to use it again) and I was wondering how one would install Minigalaxy ( through tar.gz because I wasn't able to install it with any of the other packages like .deb. I tried looking up a general guide but it doesn't seem to work for me. Or is there an easier way of going about this and am I making this way too difficult for myself?

Magic Banana

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se unió: 07/24/2010 says:

Minigalaxy does **not** ship for the following distributions because they do not contain the required version of PyGObject:
- Ubuntu 18.04

Trisquel 9 is based on Ubuntu 18.04. They contain the same version of PyGObject. Is there free software on GOG?

se unió: 12/29/2018

Ah thanks for the help, I can't say I would have realized that issue. I'm unsure if everything on GOG is free software unfortunately.