Intel NUC Libreboot

7 respuestas [Último envío]
se unió: 07/17/2023

I'm buying a 2nd hand intel nuc for a home mini server and I'm interested in installing LibreBoot.
Has anyone does this on an intel NUC before? Are there issues for this hardware?


I am a translator!

se unió: 08/18/2020

I have a NAS running non-free software that I decided to replace with something based on Trisquel.

For this, I have setup two NUCs (one at my place, one at another family member's place), on each I added an extra SSD and installed Trisquel, and I am using samba to share file locally and sftp for remote access. This works well, except that on the local network, one needs to use the local IP address, I have not setup anything that makes it appear automatically in a file manager. I have written some documentation to setup the server and the clients.

I did successful backups using borgbackup from one NUC to the other but I did not automate this yet. So I still consider this experimental.

Of course, I plan to share my documenation at some point (and translate it to English).

se unió: 07/17/2023

Sounds great :D
Did you have any issues installing Trisquel? I've tried both Trisquel netinstall 11 & Linux Mint but both freeze on the installer loading screen.


I am a translator!

se unió: 08/18/2020

With an earlier version of the Trisquel 11 netinstaller, my keyboard was not working. This worked with the latest version, which was not in the official download link when I used it, I am not sure whether it is there now.

When you say "freeze", how does it look like exactly? One issue I have rather frequently with the graphic Trisquel installer is that I get some kind of error message (something starting with glxboot, or similar word) and if I press enter, the message repeats and it looks like I am stuck there. However, if I press escape, I see a menu that includes the option to boot. That menu has a lot of text and usually, before I could read it all, the installer starts booting as if I selected "try Trisquel without installing".

With the netinsaller, I cannot remember exactly now, but I remember that there was some problem as well and it asked me for a graphic mode. I chose one randomly, it did not work, then I rebooted and tried another one, until it worked.

For a server, the netinstaller seems more appropriate but if you only manage with the graphic installer, you could install this way and then configure your machine not to start the graphical environment at boot ("sudo systemctl set-default"). Then you could remove unnecessary packages (with "sudo tasksel" maybe).

se unió: 07/17/2023

Ok, when booting I see the bootloader with the options to "install" "use dark theme" and "advanced options" etc...
I then press ENTER on "install", it will load as far as the language screen (attached) but then my keyboard won't work.

While researching, I stumbled upon others using Debian on the same NUC model. So I tried Debian 12 and it worked flawlessly.

Now that I've read about your keyboard issues, maybe it wasn't "freezing" and it was just the keyboard stopped working at that point......
Having read your post and seen "latest version" I've downloaded the Netinstaller 11.0.1 (previously was using Netinstaller 11.0).

Trying again, will post outcome.

se unió: 07/17/2023

OMG! It worked! Thank you :D
I used the newer release (11.0.1) and the keyboard worked perfectly and I got Trisquel installed on the NUC.

Only one little issue. I've had to use a mini hdmi to standard hdmi adapter and this blocks the use of the NIC, so to install Trisquel I used a USB Ethernet adapter. During the install, Trisquel showed 2 NICs (the onboard & the USB) but now that it's installed Trisquel doesn't recognize the onboard NIC.
I'm currently going through dmesg and syslog to see if there's a hint of what's happening.

se unió: 07/17/2023

Well this NUC has been a nightmare. After the above issues (and more that aren't mentioned), The onboard NIC didn't show in 'ifconfig'. I checked dmesg and syslog but found nothing except the system found the device. No errors or anything.

I ran 'ip link' and the NIC was there!!! I've never encountered this before so I ran the command 'ip link set dev enps025 up' and then all of a sudden it showed in 'ifconfig'.
Using 'dhclient' got an IP address but this did not persist after a reboot.

I edited /etc/network/interfaces file and added the following lines:
auto enp0s25
inet enp0s25 dhcp
(I haven't had to that since 2016/2018 and so had to look it up and re-learn it.)

and that was it. Running 'ifup enp0s25' worked perfectly and after a was still functioning!!!

Hooray! It now works on Trisquel and I can start actually using it :P (so much effort for a simple pi-hole server)

Thanks Avron for the latest Trisquel release info. If this didn't work with Trisquel, I most likely would have scrapped it.

se unió: 02/12/2018

The following link unfortunately it's not about installing Libreboot on a NUC, but you might find it interesting, it's about getting rid of NUC's Intel Management Engine: