Issue removing Apparmor

7 respuestas [Último envío]
Joseph C.A.
se unió: 10/25/2015

Hey all,

As I have recently installed selinux and I removed Apparmor. As a result my entire desktop environment was removed. After reinstalling Gnome and KDE, I opened up Synaptic. Without checking "complete removal" it still calls for the removal of triskel and trisquel-base. Is this correct?

I believe it was removed on a previous machine and do not recall a similar issue.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Magic Banana

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I am a translator!

se unió: 07/24/2010

"triskel" and "trisquel-base" are meta-packages: they only are a convenient way to refer to bunch of packages (their dependencies) altogether. Removing meta-packages does not lead to removing any actual program.

The only drawback (that can be seen as an advantage too) is that you would not discover any new program that the Trisquel developers may decide to include in the future default system (e.g., for Trisquel 8) by adding them as dependencies of the meta-packages that define this default system (e.g., "trisquel" and "trisquel-recommended" define the "normal" edition of Trisquel).

Joseph C.A.
se unió: 10/25/2015

Ok, so what is the causing the removal of Gnome and KDE? I am a novice at best. Should I try dpkg --purge? I'm on the road dealing with slow network speeds and do not want to reinstall again.

Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

se unió: 07/24/2010

Ok, so what is the causing the removal of Gnome and KDE?

You did not mention that in the first message. What are you doing exactly? What is the exact message that you get in consequence?

Should I try dpkg --purge?

You should (almost) never have to directly use the 'dpkg'.

se unió: 05/13/2010

You're confusing two things.

If you uninstall package A and it says it needs to remove also package B it means package B depends on package A. (Yes, there are some very strange dependencies... and metapackages.)

Synaptic's remove completely option means that you uninstall a package and its system wide configuration. (But not your personal config.)


I am a translator!

se unió: 10/31/2014

May I ask you why Selinux over Apparmor?

Joseph C.A.
se unió: 10/25/2015

Ok, as far as why Selinux over Apparmor, I was interested in trying/learning a different security model. (I'll listen to any thoughts on you have the two.) There is no other reason outside of exploration. I learn by doing. For example; I now know how to configure DHCP from the terminal and did it using vi, both a first for me, as a result of this issue. (the original issue was that I removed Apparmor and it took KDE and Gnome with it and brought my computer down to a base system.)

As far as "You did not mention that in the first message. What are you doing exactly? What is the exact message that you get in consequence?"

Unfortunately, I don't have any messages to pass on. Is there a specific log I should refer to. I've searched various forums and and bug reports and have not seen a similar problem. Simply removing Apparmor with a package manager shouldn't strip my system down?

Please forgive my lack of technical description, it's hard for one to help if I don't provide the right info.


I am a translator!

se unió: 10/31/2014

I asked because you mentioned being a novice. Apparmor is much easier to understand than selinux and both do the same thing. Removing apparmor should not remove the DE AFAIK.