Join the petition asking for This American Life in Ogg Vorbis and help us reach 5,000 signatures!
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From the FSF website:
This American Life still hasn't responded to your many messages asking them to use Ogg Vorbis for their downloads and streams. Sign the petition and make your voice heard!
Ogg supporters sent great emails to This American Life thanking them for their show detailing the problems with software patents and asking them to be part of the solution by using Ogg Vorbis instead of patent-encumbered MP3. Here's one letter, from Matt Kraai:
Thank you for creating "When Patents Attack!" As one of the 80% of software developers who believe that software patents are harmful both to the software industry and to society as a whole, I was happy to see you bringing awareness of this issue to a larger audience.
As you're probably aware by now, the MP3 audio file format that you use to distribute your episodes online is also covered by some software patents. Would you please consider also distributing the episodes using the Ogg Vorbis format? It produces files of comparable size and quality and is not covered by any software patents.
Thanks again for such a great episode,
Matt Kraai
We'd like to thank those of you who have written in to the show so far; you all have made countless great points to help illustrate how the MP3 file format has suffered from the same kinds of problems they discussed in last month's episode.
Sadly, we haven't seen or heard about any response from This American Life, even after we made an Ogg version of the show ourselves and offered it to them. We've successfully convinced other public broadcasters like WBUR to use Ogg Vorbis after making that first contact, and we think we can repeat that success here if we can just get a real conversation started. To help with that, we've started a petition to show them just how many people would like to see This American Life available as Ogg Vorbis.
Make your voice heard by signing the petition today! We're working to get 5,000 signatures by September 7, when we'll deliver the first batch, so sign now and make sure you're part of it. It's really easy—we're only asking your name, email address, and a couple of questions about how much you love This American Life and local public radio. After that, you'll get a verification email; click the link in it, and you're done!
Once you've signed, there are other ways you can help:
Spread the word about this petition by sharing it with your friends and colleagues—the more signatures we get, the better.
If you haven't already, you can still send a personal note to This American Life asking them to use Ogg Vorbis. You can write them email at name at domain (don't forget to send us a copy at name at domain), or send a message on Twitter to @ThisAmerLife. Remember that you don't need to use the Twitter website (with its proprietary JavaScript) directly when you do this; instead, you can connect your Twitter account to your account and send it that way, or use a local free software client like Gwibber or HeyBuddy.
Been there, done that ;)
yea me too. I also sent an email. :)
Are you saying to have Ogg in place of MP3? Sure it sounds fine and dandy for a limited few, but what about the rest of the computing world that is using Windows, Mac, or iPhone and their default programs do not play Ogg. The majority that sticks with the default installed software and uses the "big blue E" to get on the internet.
If they had Ogg in addition to MP3, that would be the best option but the FSF hippies would probably find some way to complain. Oh and I signed the petition.
Couple things. I did not write this as noted above. It is a copy/paste from the FSF website.
But yes it is encouraging them to use Ogg in place of MP3. Well for the first two you mentioned Windows and Mac ogg support can be installed ( Secondly many browsers (free and non-free) support it (Firefox, Chrome, Opera).
Either way you are arguing from a technical point of view. Your argument stems from the fact that the majority of internet users may not have ogg support by default. The FSF's argument is that the show This American Life did a show criticizing software patents. Then they deliver the show in a patent-encumbered format. Their argument is that this is hypocritical. It has nothing to do with how many people can support Ogg but it has everything to do with the fact that they are using a format which suffers from the problems they are criticizing.
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