just installed triskel 9 - problems with gpg and could not find GUI to switch software mirror

2 respuestas [Último envío]
se unió: 10/29/2015


i just installed Triksel 9 on my computer. Just after the installation i got some problems.

First of all i could not update, because the pre-installed mirrors where down. I found in the forum that the preinstalled indian servers where down and i have to select another location.

I can do it via manual changes in /etc/apt/sources.list, but is there a way in the KDE-Desktop-Environment to select a Mirror via a GUI-tool?

Then when i do an gpg --search-key on the command line i got the error:

gpg: error searching keyserver: General error
gpg: keyserver search failed: General error

Does anyone know how to fix that error?

Thanks in Advice!


Magic Banana

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I am a translator!

se unió: 07/24/2010

The triskel metapackage depends on software-properties-kde, a Qt interface to manage APT repositories. What happens if you execute the software-properties-kde command?

se unió: 10/29/2015

@Magic_Banana: Thank you very much, this worked fine.