KDE Plasma 5.5.4 or GNOME 3.18

2 respuestas [Último envío]
se unió: 03/02/2014

Hello all!

There is any workaround to get KDE 5.5.4 (as i am writing this) or GNOME 3.18 working with Trisquel? I know of Parabola but i want to stick to "simple things" as Parabola is pretty complicated to assemble... like something Debian Testing but on Trisquel side?
I tried live Chakra Linux and i really enjoyed the KDE so polished! Themes and Dolphin is much more beautiful and easy to split windows than for instance in Gnome, just pressing F3 we can do it that easy. On another hand on GNOME i like more Transmission , Evolution, etc.
Of course i know perfection doesn’t exist, we can't have all in one otherwise we will have a very bloated system...
Thanks in advance.

Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

se unió: 07/24/2010

It is not possible I believe. Even using "staging" PPAs that nobody but developers should use. You will have to wait for Trisquel 8 or use Parabola.

se unió: 03/02/2014

Thanks Magic Banana.
I guess i will wait a bit more then :)
Have a nice day! (or night) :)